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Tw: Fluff


"Bad?" Skeppy called from outside in the sunshine. "Coming!" Bad yelled throwing his shoes on. Bad Ran out the door and locked it from behind. "No rat?" Skeppy asks concerned they always walk rat. "Nope, she's sleeping," Bad says smiling. Skeppy and Bad intertwine their fingers smiling. They walk to their normal point and then Skeppy takes a different route, Bad following him. "Skep, Where are we going?" Bad asks confused. "You'll see it's pretty. They walk for about ten minutes and then Skeppy lets go of Bad's hand. "Cover your eyes," Skeppy says. Bad covers his eyes and follows the sound of Skeppy's voice. "Alright, open them," Skeppy says smiling. "Woah. This view is so pretty!!" Bad says grinning. "I know, and I wanted to take the most amazing person in the world to see this with me," Skeppy says getting hugged by Bad. "I love you Skeppy," Bad says slightly muffled because of the hug. "I love you too Bad," Skeppy says smiling. "There's another surprise if you turn around Bad," Skeppy says. Bad turns around smiling. Bad turns and runs to hug Skeppy. "I love it!!" Bad says hugging Skeppy. Skeppy smiles and grabs Bad's hand. Bad lets go of Skeppy and follow him as Skeppy walks a little ways.  Skeppy lets go of Bad's hand and sit down at the picnic. Bad quickly joins him smiling. "How'd you know?" Bad asks Skeppy. "A little birdie told me. Plus you've always loved picnics." Skeppy states. Bad grins and hugs Skeppy. Skeppy grabs the picnic basket and passes Bad sandwiches, fruit salad, and drinks. They share what they have and take their time laughing and chatting. Skeppy grabs a piece of watermelon and jokingly goes to eat it but then stops and gives it to Bad laughing. "I would never, It's your watermelon," Skeppy says between laughs. "Good," Bad says smiling. Bad grabs two leftover pieces of bread and holds them against Skeppy's face with a serious expression. "What are you?" Bad asks looking Skeppy dead in the eyes. "An idiot sandwich." Skeppy replies laughing. Bad starts laughing and grin. "Best response yet," Bad says getting up and tossing Skeppy a single piece of bread. Bad walks over to the pond and tears a small piece off of the bread. He tosses it at a Duck and Skeppy walks over smiling. Bad was so happy feeding the ducks and Skeppy didn't want to interrupt. Bad threw a piece at every single duck at least once before he was out of bread. Skeppy hands him his piece smiling at the Fact that Bad's face lit up. Skeppy and Bad smiles and Bad tears less bread off the slice now than before trying to conserve the piece. Soon enough Bad runs out of Bread and Heads back up the hill hand in hand with Skeppy. Skeppy turns on music and Bad almost instantly knows the song. "I love this song! Come dance with me!!" Bad says smiling and excited. Bad and Skeppy dance for hours, neither stopping to look at the clock. Soon enough they're tired and look at the time. "IT"S ONE AM?!?!?" They say in unison. They pack everything up and start walking. "Do you wanna stay the night? It's late and dark." Bad says holding Skeppy's hand. "Sure," Skeppy says smiling. "I had a lot of fun yesterday and this morning. We should do this again sometime." Bad says unlocking the front door. They walk inside and smile as Rat runs to them barking happily. "Hi Rat!" Bad says kneeling down and opening his arms. Rat eagerly jumps into his arms and licks his face. "I love you too Rat, but look who's here!" Bad says slowly getting up. Rat takes notice of Skeppy and runs over. Skeppy smiles and opens his arms. Rat jumps into his arms and licks his face making Skeppy laugh. "Rat, T-That tickles!!" Skeppy says between laughs. They set up the spare bedroom and say goodnight to the other. Skeppy kisses Bad on the forehead and turns to head to his room. Bad grabs Skeppy's hand and hugs him. "Thank you Skeppy. You mean the world to me and I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend." Bad says muffled from the hug. 



This took way too long to write lmao

anyways enjoy the chapter while it lasts

writer's block sucks

don't forget to drink some food and eat some water.

Word count: 741

Enjoy! <3

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