fifty-nine. *

314 8 2

* 18+ Content Warning

"I'm gonna be sick," Aaron gagged, pushing the button on his window down, bracing to vomit out of my car.

"Just hold it in and I'll pull over," I yelled putting my blinker on and looking over my shoulder, trying to merge without killing all of us because it was absolute chaos on the roads.

"They're letting you in," Marcus said, waving his hand out his window at the car behind us as a thank you before I merged and turned into a small side street that was dimly lit.

Before I'd even parked the car but was thankfully going at a slow enough speed, Aaron flung his door open and all I heard was a loud smash causing me to slam on my breaks.

"What the fuck was that?" I yelled as Aaron jumped out of the moving car and vomited all over the footpath, not caring who saw or what was going on around him.

I yanked the handbrake on and quickly got out of my car to inspect what the noise was and to also pull Bailey out because the loud rumbling coming from his stomach indicated that he was feeling the same as Aaron.

"Fuuuucking hell," Marcus groaned as he looked down and turned his phone torch on to have a look at my car door.

After placing Bailey down on the grass, I stepped over Aaron who was now hunched over on the ground trying to get whatever was in his system out while Marcus looked at me with his hands in his hair.

I gasped as Marcus held his phone up against the door, illuminating the massive dint and hundreds of scratches that had taken the paint off completely. It was completely smashed up beyond belief.

"Oh my god," I said in disbelief, looking down the road to see the fire hydrant Aaron obviously hit when he flung the door open in his rush to not vomit in the backseat of my car.

"I'm so sorry, Catie," Aaron cried on the ground beside me as I shut the door, not wanting to look at it anymore.

I bent down and rubbed his back as he continued to throw up, "It's all good. I'd rather that than puke on my floors," I said softly looking up at Marcus who had a sympathetic look on his face.

"Is it bad?" Aaron asked, wiping his mouth as he looked up at me with his concerned eyes and his face as white as a ghost.

"Nah, don't worry about it," I said, pushing his curls from his face as he leaned into me, completely spent from being sick. 

I looked up at Marcus again, "There's water in the boot. Could you grab a couple of bottles?" I asked him before he launched into action like the superhero he was in everyone's time of need.

Marcus came back and handed both Bailey and Aaron a bottle before sitting down in the passenger seat with the door open. I continued to brush my hand down Aaron's back who seemed to be feeling a lot better than when he launched his body out of my moving car, thankfully not hurting himself in the process.

"I don't think we'll make it back to Kew with them like this," I said to Marcus who sighed, shaking his head.

"Should we try to make it to your place?" Marcus suggested, pondering what other options we had besides sitting in a dark side street waiting for them to feel better.

I nodded, "I reckon we try that because that way we can pull over. The idea of going through that tunnel and one of them needing to throw up again makes me feel sick," I chuckled and Marcus laughed softly.

"All right lads," He started, standing up out of the car again and attempting to shove them back into the car, gently of course.

"Come on big boy," I said to Bailey who held his hands out for me to grab and pull him up. He was a lot more nimble than Aaron so it wasn't too hard for me.

Stranger Things Have Happened | Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now