one-hundred & twelve. *

332 5 3

* 18+ Content Warning

"Can I just have a long black and I think we'll get the Churro's with fruit for two... Oh and a little tub of sprinkles as well, thank you," I said sweetly to the young lad as he tapped away on his iPad and scooped up the menus from our table.

"Won't be too long," He replied with a bright smile before buzzing around to seat the other people waiting out the front of San Churro.

"Can't remember the last time I came out to Highpoint for late night shopping," Tom said as he bounced Oscar on his lap with a thoughtful expression.

I nodded, "Probably when we were 16 and up to no good," I joked and made Tom chuckle as I placed two napkins in front of him and poured us both a glass of the table water provided.

"You're probably right, you know. Or maybe the last minute dash before my Bali holiday... Those were the days," Tom reminisced with a smirk as another young waiter slid our coffees and baby chino across the table.

"Good luck for your 150th on Sunday, Libba," The young man whispered with a smile that Tom quickly returned, nodding with appreciation.

"Thanks mate," He replied with a low voice, feeling a little embarrassed by the recognition as I sat back with a Cheshire grin plastered across my face.

"I love it so much when you or Marcus get recognised and I don't," I exclaimed with a loud whisper, "Makes me feel like normal person for once," I added, earning an eye roll from Tom who definitely didn't love the attention.

"I wouldn't speak too soon. The girls in the kitchen have been staring and whispering ever since we sat down. I think they're scared of ya resting bitch face," He teased with a laugh as I narrowed my eyes and faked a smile.

"Well I feel like I've perfected the bitch face so I'll take that as a compliment," I retorted with my middle finger discreetly pointed up behind my coffee mug, the loud laugh from Tom echoing through the sparsely furnished restaurant.

"Shhh," I hushed as Tom covered his mouth in surprise at the sound, apologising to the waitress who placed a large plate of churro's and fruit on our table with a chuckle.

"Enjoy and yell out if you need anything else," She informed before fluttering off to the table beside us, clearing it with ease and a smile.

"This was a good shout, by the way. Fuckin' love a churro," Tom enthused as he broke one of the deliciously crispy and perfectly sugar coated fried dough in half and dipped it in the chocolate sauce.

I nodded and followed his lead, "Me too and I felt bad for having to reschedule us catching up last weekend so it's my shout," I insisted before chomping down on the delicious morsel of sugary goodness.

"Oh, I already assumed that, mate," Tom teased, feeding a small bite to Oscar who already had chocolate sauce and sprinkles on the sides of his mouth.

"How was the party anyways?" Tom asked as I took a quick sip of my steaming hot coffee.

"It was so cute. Really small because of restrictions but it was nice to throw Marcus' parents an anniversary party. Twenty years they've been married... Pretty wild," I replied and Tom nodded in agreement as he manoeuvred Oscar back into the high chair we'd dragged over to the table.

"You can tell Marcus isn't from a broken home. Smelled it miles away when I first met him... Oodles of confidence and poise and he had a lot of the Wallis about him, minus the fuck-load of money and entitlement," Tom explained as he sat back down in the booth with a deep crease in his forehead.

I frowned and exhaled deeply, "Cheap dig at Mitchy, check," I said, pretending to tick off the invisible checklist I had in front of me before continuing.

Stranger Things Have Happened | Marcus BontempelliWhere stories live. Discover now