How to sleep easier

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- I'm not even sure that anyone will bother with this one but try not to be on your phone or laptop before bed

- under no circumstances, should you have caffeine from late afternoon onwards.

- don't eat or drink too much before bed

- have a nice shower or bath to relax you


- scented candles (lavender ones are good)

- if it's not too cold outside, open a window to let in fresh air

- listen to calming or slow music

- make sure it's not too hot or cold

- repetitive noises like dripping taps or clocks ticking will keep you awake, try and avoid them if possible

- try not to stress or worry about things that happened that day, or will happen the next day. Sometimes this is hard, believe me I know, but try and do your best.


So as I write this it is midnight and I was planning to go to sleep 2 hours ago.
Oh the irony...

Also, my twitter is @5sosxptv idk if you want to follow me but hey, the option is there

Love you guys

-Kaitlin xxxx

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