The Open Call Auditions

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Abby's Pov

It finally comes to the time for the open call auditions. I take a glance outside, hundreds of dancers are outside the dance studio. I was very lucky to have these many people want to be a part of the Aldc. The sight of a little girl caught my attention, she could not have been more than eight-years, her tiny hand wave at me. I waved back. 

"Alright Gianna, Lets let these people in, i am eager to see all their talent!" I exclaimed, smiling from ear to ear, I genuinely felt happy. With that Gianna opened the doors.

"Ehem," I cleared my throat, "Parents, can you pleases stay out of the dance room. Dancers, Take a number and go inside studio A."

"Hi everyone! I am Gianna, i will be teaching you the dance we will be using to pick the best dancers. Abby will call your number, if you hear your number being called please go sit with your parents." Gianna explained.

"Ready? Lets begin!" I cheered. The group of children joined in with 'yays', 'wohoo' and a bunch of other sounds.

As soon as we started, I saw a bunch mistakes, sickled feet, dancer off in the beat of the music, some cannot even  do a simple pirouettes. It was time to cut. 

"153, It is not your day"

"225, you made a mistake"

"62, sickled feet"






I realised that i started to call out numbers without giving out proper corrections. It was okay, some of the people i cut made minor mistakes but have more talent that someone who did not make a mistake and is still in the dance room.

After a good three hours, of calling people back from outside of the dance room, arguing with some of the mothers, i managed to fine seven of the best dancers in the auditions. 

"Thank you everyone for coming, I am done selecting, can everyone leave except for number 34, 212, 154, 25, 3, 384 and 21." I said.

The dancer left the stood and i was left with seven dancers, two boys, five girls. The smallest girl looked awfully familiar. That is when it hit me, she was the little one that waved at me.

"Little girl," I said "What is your name? Who is your parents?"

She spoke loud and clear, "My name is Zaylee, this is my mother.

Zaylee pointed at her mother. She is about 5'5, She looked fairly young, "Hi, I am Samantha."

I manage to have a good conversation with all mothers, hopeful we will have a good season this year and we can pull off as many wins as possible.


Hi my fine furry friends! I hope you enjoy my new book

Names of mothers and children:

1) Samantha (30) & Zaylee (8)

2) Melanie (35) & Addison (10)

3) Pricilla (36) & Chance (12) & Claire (10)

4) Suzie (38) & Willow (13)

5) Gemma (40) & Braxton (14) & Anevaeh (11)

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