It is a new week

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Abby pov

It is a new week.


                                     Zaylee Braxton Addison
                             Chance Claire Anevaeh Willow

"Alright. Good job last week. Many of you did well. " I said.

"Abby, why was Zaylee in the group dance." Melanie asked

"She looked good in the dance." I replied 

"But, you said..." I cut her off

"Who are you to dictate my decisions?" I shouted. 

I ripped Addison's headshot and put it on the new bottom row

                                    Zaylee Braxton
                       Chance Claire Anevaeh Willow

"There are two duets this week. It goes to the siblings Chance and Claire, Braxton and Anevaeh. I also have two solos. The first solo is going to Zaylee. The second solo is going to Willow." I said

"What about Addison?" Melanie asked.

"She is on probation. She is not dancing this week." I replied.

"When will she dance again?"

"When you can keep your mouth shut."

That shut Melanie up.

"One more thing, If Zaylee gets first place this week, she will be a permanent member. If one of the duets gets first place, maybe they will become permanent members. Willow, if you get highest scoring solo or a perfect score, you will also get jacket." I said.

The children looked really excited.

"SO addison has not chance at all." Melanie asked.

"yes" I said. "Mothers please go upstairs, Zaylee, I will start with you. Dancers, go to studio B." 

Melanie's pov

We were in the glass box watching Zaylee work on her solo with Abby. It felt so unfair that Zaylee had two solos is a row. Most of all Addison was on the bottom row, like what is up with that.

"So Melanie, how do you feel about the situation" Gemma asked.

"Well, i think that it is very unfair as she said in pyramid that she would not be in the group dance." I replied.

"Can we not talk about this?" Samantha asked.

"I think there is a lot to talk about." I said

"whatever, i don't care about what you say anyways." Samantha replies.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2022 ⏰

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