The very first day.

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Abby's Pov

Today is the day, the very first day. I just hope that lady luck is on my side. 

"Abby, everyone is here." Gianna said. 

I nodded. I could hear the excitement down the hall. I moved my wheelchair, facing the back towards the mirror. 

"Send them in." I said smiling.

One by one, the children filled the room, with their headshots, followed by their mothers. I looked from on dancer to the next. This was team now. It was time to find my next Maddie, or will I find someone that is better than my ex-star dancer. 

"Ehem." I cleared my throat. "Welcome to the Aldc!" 

The girls and the mothers joined me for a clap.

"Alright, dancers, as you all know, everyone is replaceable. Who knows? One of you might be the next Maddie. For the first time in years, we have boys on the team. Last time, we had Gino try out. Things did not go well for him."

"Will that hinder the team in anyway?" Asked one of the mothers.

"Who are you?" I asked

"Melanie, Addison's Mother." Melanie replied," because if it is, maybe we should reconsider the team you have chosen."

I was starting to get flashbacks, Melanie reminded me of Christy with a y.

"Are you trying to get the boys kicked?'' Another mother asked.

"Alright, I will decide, whether to keep the boys or not. We will be attending Intensity dance competition We will have four solos, Addison, Chance,  Braxton and Zaylee. Braxton in the teen division. Chance and Addison will go head to head in the junior division. Zaylee in the mini division. Willow, Aneaveh and Claire will be in the trio. Everyone, except for Zaylee will be in the group dance." I said

"Why isn't Zaylee in the group?" Samantha asked. She is the only mother's name I remembered because Zaylee is the one who waved to me through the window.

"I am giving her a Maddie solo and I want to focus on that." I explained. 

She did not questioned further. Goes to show, if you give the mothers what they want, they will shut up.

"I will start with Zaylee. Mo--" 

"Excuse me Abby, but why Zaylee" questioned Melanie.

I was appalled by this mother's  behaviour.  Maybe, she is the next Jill. 

"She is the youngest. NOW mothers upstairs, kids go to Studio B, start stretching. " I said trying my best to keep my cool.

Zaylee's Pov

Once everyone left, it was time to start my solo.

"Zaylee, the name of your solo is called 'You are a memory". Abby said excitedly.

Samantha Pov

I took a seat in between Suzie and Gemma. 

"Your kid is adorable!" Suzie said to me.

"Aww, thank you! Willow has beautiful facial features." I replied.

"Thank you!' She said smiling.

We were going to be fast friends. I looked down into Studio A. Zaylee was learning her solo and Abby was smiling!

"Abby really likes her." Gemma said.

"I hope it last." I replied.

"Melanie, I have a question for you. Why did you comment about the boys? Pricilla asked, she was the very pretty brunette. 

"I was curious." Melanie said making a face. 

" I thought you were being kind of rude." Suzie chipped in, she did not have any boys, but she stood up for them anyways. (Holly vibes)

"I'm sorry." Melanie replied sarcastically.

It was going to be a long day no doubt.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello my fine furry friends, Chapter 2 is up. I will see you next time! bye bye! 

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