How I Heard About Shifting

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The first time was May when I was scrolling on tiktok, and saw some out of place video about people being in the realm of Harry Potter. I thought it was just advanced roleplay being done on tiktok. Then August rolls around, and I see another Harry Potter video pop up but the person was talking about "shifting". I scrolled, and again believed it was some kind of roleplay term for Harry Potter tiktok. My boyfriend was asking what it meant, and I explained I was sure and that it was probably just another tiktok trend with deep Harry Potter roleplay. 

I think 3 days later another shifting video popped up, but it had more information this time. I then began to research the term "shifting" and was in awe. While I was bewildered I was also in a state of disbelief. How can this be a legitimate thing? Is it ONLY to Harry Potter? No. It's simply accessing the plethora of infinite realities that already exist. It was calling to me in a way that resonated with my childhood where I spent hours day dreaming, and visualizing being somewhere else. Now had I had know if I had the belief and intention It was possible to go there I would have been quantum jumping at the age of 8. However, it never came to fruition until now. 

So now I have discovered this amazing practice from history brought to popularity by social media. Where do I start? Where do I want to go? I decided I am going to shift. 

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