Getting Started

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I believe everyone's journey is extremely personal. I've always resonated with space, and wondered about traveling the stars and meeting different intelligent beings. Then a light clicked in my head. I am already obsessed with Star Wars. That's where I'll shift. Also close to the time I was discovering the term "shift" I came to a realization I had dreams about my desired reality, as well as the people who live there before I even knew it was possible to see them. Something to remember though that in these realities. They are not created, they already exist. And that me choosing which reality to wake up in is a reality in which my consciousness already exists there, and I have been born and have already existed in that reality. So going there is simply becoming aware of a different life I am living. 

So from that point I was aware of methods. I didn't know that you didn't need them. I tried Julia, raven, hypnosis, ceiling method. Now keep in mind I only tried these once or twice each. None of them worked and gave me headaches, and some of the guided videos just go too fast or my mind trails off and I cant focus on what I am thinking of. 

Fortunately, there is no need for a method. All that is needed is intent. However, I scrounged up some interesting information. What resonated with me was the fact that this journey felt some what of a spiritual awakening. To open my third eye to ease the transition of these tools that have been inside me the entire time. It's like a volcano laying dormant, and suddenly erupting and your mind expanding with it, and seeing your life and mind are capable of anything you dreamed of. 

Seeking advice on how to move forward. I used my intuition to ask someone I already knew about the subject. I just had a feeling she would know what I was asking about. Just as I thought she is a full fledged shifter. After seven months she shifted into her waiting room, and went into her desired reality when she was ready and stayed for a year. However it was only a minute in current reality time. I was inspired by her story, and so motivated to do this myself. If any of you readers are having doubts talk to someone you know who has shifted it changes everything, and will adapt your mindset to truly believe "If they did it, I can do it!". 

I asked her "Well, during those seven months what did you go through? What were you trying?" She said that she reprogrammed her brain, and listened to subluminal videos a lot. Then one night it randomly happened when she wasn't even trying to shift that night. She also told me I could try to do it through lucid dreaming, but I wasn't drawn towards that since I hadn't had a lucid dream since high school. For me they only happen every couple years by chance. I asked about crystals, and she confirmed they aide in it by raising the frequency. However, crystals aren't required to shift. 

So I decided to do my own research. It's important for all of you to remember what worked for one person may not work for you. Follow the feelings that resonate within you, and don't compare your journey to others constantly cause it will only hinder your progress. Your journey will be personal, and different. I had to recognize this for myself as well cause I was feeling very discouraged seeing so many others shifting, and not experiencing the same signs or having the same kind of dreams. Don't do that to yourselves. Your journey is unique, and that in itself is special. Now I am sharing mine to motivate, and inspire. There may be some information in here that you can relate to, and if not its OKAY. Even by reading this it means you are closer already. 

Moving forward on the subject of research, It's really important to look into it yourself. I googled quantum jumping, and discovered the pineal gland. The pineal gland is associated with spiritual awakening. From the articles I have read crystals, and HERBS play a role in activating the pineal gland which is used for other states of consciousness such as shifting (quantum jumping). It's all just broken down into different terms. I can figure out on how to attach links to the articles I read so that you can have access to it as well.  

So I ordered a bunch of different crystals on etsy, and herbs as well. Angel Lace Agate, Blue Apatite, Malachite, Lolite, Selenite, Uxelite ( Bonus gem ), Barite Rose, Calcite, mystery bag of gems. In person I went out and bought Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Shiva Lingam, selenite wand ( cause it was cool ), and sodalite. 

The herbs I have ordered, and have tested are Mugwort, Peppermint Leaf, Butterfly Pea Flower, Blue Lotus, Chamomile, Holy Basil, Linden Flowers, Red Lotus, Mimosa Silk Tree Flower, Hibiscus, Kava Kava, Calea Zacatechichi, Cornflowers, Lemon Balm Leaf, Gotu Kola, Elder Flower, Astralagus Root, Calendula, Chaga Mushroom, Lavender, Rose, Damania, Passion, Mugwort leaf, African Dream Root extract, and a Dreamwalker Tea set. 

These have been expensive to acquire, but if I can help others know which ones are the most helpful in decalcifying the pineal gland then I will be helping! I wish I knew someone who could tell me which tea/herb blend would help me along! 

Now Id like to clarify I am not promoting the usage of drugs, melatonin, or alcohol to induce shifting or lucid dreams or anything. These are all just regular plants used in teas. 

In the next chapter I will start adding in my personal notes from the nights I have tried some of these, and what method I did as well as what the outcomes were. Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy the next part! 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2021 ⏰

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