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"I think so, too. It'll probably be like, four songs, but if it gets enough of a positive reaction, Dan wants to start working on a full-length album that could be out by the summer."

"Holy shit," Harry said, in shock. "I can't believe that I'm going to know someone famous."

Louis cocked his head to the side, eyebrows furrowed.

"You know what I mean," Harry rolled his eyes. "I went to high school with these guys. I've known them for years. Ashton is dating my sister. Like, this has literally been their dream for so long, and now it's really coming true."

Harry leaned across the table and kissed Louis. "And it's all thanks to you."

"Like I've told you, them and everyone else," Louis smiled, "I didn't do anything. I just set up the meeting."

"Yeah, which led to the boys getting this opportunity."

Louis shrugged. "I'm just glad they kept their cool in there. Some people I bring in mess up the first part of this process because they're nervous and don't act like themselves. That's not what Dan or anybody else wants."

"I'm glad they listened to you. You know they called me early this morning?"

"They did?"

"Yeah, wanted to know if they should trust you and do what you told them to do."

"What'd you say?"

"I said 'hell yeah' they should trust you. You know what you're doing, and you wouldn't lie to them about what to do. I assumed this wasn't the first time you've signed anybody?"

"It's not, but I didn't sign them. Dan's responsible for doing that. Him or any of the other big names."

"You know, it doesn't matter how much you say it, I'm still going to thank you for it," Harry smiled.

"I'm starting to realize that, yeah."

They finished their lunch, talking about some of the other bands Louis has "discovered" in the past.

"What time do you have to leave?" Harry wondered while they cleared away their plates.

"4:00," Louis answered. "The car's coming to my mom's apartment at 4:30 to take us to JFK and the flight leaves at 7:40."

"Is it a long flight?"

"Like, 2 1/2 hours? But with the time difference, we'll be there around 9 in Chicago time."

"And you're all packed and ready to go?"

Louis nodded. "My sisters came over this morning when I was at the meeting and brought my stuff over to my mom's. So that's all taken care of. You're leaving from here to go to work, right? You have all your stuff?"

"Sure do. I'm used to packing up my uniform and everything anyway. And since it's only a few blocks from here, I'll actually be on time."

Louis finished rinsing off the plates and put them in the dishwasher. He didn't start it, though.

"Anything else to do?" Harry questioned.

Louis shook his head.

"So," he said, clapping his hands. "Dessert?"

Harry raised one eyebrow.

"Not like that, you perv," Louis laughed.

"OK, good," Harry smiled. "Not that that isn't tempting, but uh, I don't feel like going to work smelling like sweat and sex today."

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