Chapter 1

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A/N: 7 people guessed, so I used a spinning wheel to choose them. 

So these are the people that got it correct








So congrats to you 7 for getting it correct!! I had used a spinner wheel to choose because I had wanted it to be fair so these are the 3 how are going to be my beta-readers. 

The ones who were chosen will be messaged. 

I'm not going to start the beta-reading with this chapter but the next chapter. 

So yeah!



I leap from building to building, the wind blowing in my face as I sprint. Adrenaline flows through my veins as my destination gets closer. My boots hit the tiles soundlessly and I blend in with the shadows of the night. Excitement stirs in my stomach as visions come through my mind at what I'm going to do.

I stop on the building and leap downward onto the balcony, landing without a sound. I slide the door open, slipping though the crack before surveying the room quickly. Lila was at her desk, on her computer, her back facing me. I smirk underneath my mask and decide to give her a little longer to live.

There was a dresser on the right wall, a mirror hanging in front of it. Makeup littered the dresser, eyeshadow, lipstick, eyeliner, the brushes, sponges, etcetera. Her bed was messy, the sheets bunched together and thrown around, hanging to the floor. Pictures were tacked to the wall and little flower designs were hanging around it.

I silently walk closer, my anger spiking when I notice what it was. They were pictures of her victims. They were strung out, the newest one following the last one. I was the last one, the one before me being a guy.

He had a curly mop of brown hair, hazel eyes, and tan skin. He had on eyeliner and what I could tell, was lip-gloss. He had his phone to his ear and his fingernails were painted in rainbows, giving me the impression, he was gay.

Beneath them was a little list of their qualities, information about them and a few other things. The boy's name was Jasper Danting. His mom was a doctor, his father a fire-fighter. He had 3 siblings. An older brother, and 2 little sister who were twins. He was one of the smartest in his school and was also one of the most popular as his cousin was a famous model, Victoria Danting.

There was a paper clipping with Lila's handwriting underneath his photo, so I ripped it off and read it. Anger turned into rage as the Lazarus Pit barged into my mind, demanding to take control and rip Lila to shreds. Jasper had committed suicide, hanging himself in his room.

I placed the clipping back underneath the picture and I drew a piece of cloth from my pocket. I creeped up behind Lila and placed my hand on her mouth. She let out a muffled scream and I laughed softly. I drew my mask down, wanting my face to be the last face she ever saw.

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