Chapter 1: Time to get some answers

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Based on my estimates, it's been about four months since I became self aware in this egg and I have realized a few things with all the free time I've had. The thing I found out first is that I have a status screen that display's info about me and my skills by using the [Appraisal] skill I have on myself.


Name: Unnamed

Species: Lizardman

Sex: Female

Age: 9 month old egg

Title(s): Child of Veldora, Reincarnated

Skills: Appraisal, Geo resonance, physical attack resistance, Natural elements resistance, Magic sense, Nature manipulation

Once I found my status it helped me figure many things out, one of those being that I'm in " that time I got reincarnated as a slime" and another is that I was created in a similar way to my now "sister" Charybdis but I have a sense of reason. I know the second thing because it's taboo for a True dragon to actually reproduce so the only way I'm his child is if his magicules collected inside  a lizard woman and making her pregnant, basically being a substitute for sperm.

There is something else I noticed from my status that left me depressed for a month, I'm female. Quoting a great man that went through similar pain " my son didn't make it." Well good luck to my future partner, whoever that may end up being.

Since I can move better and use a few skills without issues I wanted to test a few of them while I can but there are a few I shouldn't really use like Earth and Nature manipulation until I can first of all see through my own eyes and practice efficiently.

So I will mainly focus on magic sense and geo resonance, magic sense is self explanatory but geo resonance is the most interesting skill I have in my opinion. Let me properly list off what it can do:

-I'm able to sense and interact with any mineral within a 2 mile radius of myself.

-allows me to suck minerals into me (passively) to make me more durable/stronger if I'm in contact with the earth or something else that is connected to the earth in some way, like a house.

-whatever minerals I have collected into myself I can push into other things to reinforce them, meaning a common rock can could be made as strong as a diamond.

-if I focus on a specific mineral I can see through it if it's in the radius.

So yeah this skill alone makes me op, no wonder it is categorized as a unique skill. Due to the passive of geo resonance I am most likely more durable than any other hatching so I could break out easily now but I'll wait a two more months to make sure I'm growing the biggest I can.

-2 months later-

Now I'm about the same size of the egg so I'm cramped, that definitely means it's time  to get out. Begore I could get out though I could hear talking outside my egg.

???1-" This little one hasn't hatched yet still?"

???2-" No, all the others hatched 5 days ago so we should assume it's a blank."

Hearing that I decided to shake around a bit to let them know I'm very much alive.

???2-" Wow seems like the little one herd us."

???1-" Help them a bit."

Next thing I know some kind of sharp object pokes a hole in the egg, I decided to use the opening to push me head out. When my eyes adjust to the lights I see to individuals in front of me, one looks like Abiru before he got named, plus younger and a lizard woman who are both looking back at me. 

Abiru-" Hello little one, come on out so we can get a good look at you," he says softly.

Deciding to just get it over with, my tail and arms push outwards and easily shatter the shell immediately. Once I stretched out a bit I looked back at the two to see them looking at me with wide eyes.

Lizard Woman-" I had a lot more trouble with my hatching..."

Abiru-" Me too... well you will be a strong warrior in a few years, welcome to the tribe," he says while holding his hand out to me.

Ok, let's take my second chance at life by storm.



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That time I got reincarnated as a Lizard womanWhere stories live. Discover now