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(This is an imaginary plot line of Spencer and Olivia going away for college.)

"Wow, this is really it.. you're really leaving... to go to Toledo..." Olivia saids. She didn't expect for Spencer to choose this one since he has been talking about attending UCLA his whole life. She was also hoping that they would go to college together but she guessed that life happens.

"Yeah.. I think it's the best choice for me. I have a whole scholarship with this school. I'm not going to let this opportunity pass." Spencer saids. Olivia nods silently, not showing that she is sad that she and Spencer are going to be separated. "Well, I am happy for you. I know you are going to do great in Toledo." She tries her best not to cry but Spencer notices. He holds her hand.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Spencer asks. Olivia nods, trying her best to hold in her tears, but her eyes start to water. Spencer softly sighs, knowing he wants Liv to let out her emotions. "Let it out baby. It's ok."

Olivia held back tears and smiled. "Baby, it's fine, really. I'm just going to miss you that's all." Spencer nodded. "Are you sure that's all?" He asks, trying to be sure. Olivia nods. "Yep, that's all. Now, let's watch this movie. I wanna spend the most time with you before your flight leaves next week." Spencer smiled and wrapped his arm around her, enjoying the film.

A week goes by and Spencer and Olivia are at the airport getting ready to depart Spencer into Ohio. Spencer had his suitcases with him while Olivia just carried a purse since she was staying in LA to attend UCLA. The announcement said on the intercom that the flight for Ohio was ready to board.

Spencer and Olivia both stand up and look at each other, knowing they was about to go through the worst part, saying goodbye.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye, baby. I'm going to miss you so much." Spencer saids. Olivia starts to tear up, trying her best not to cry. She tends to hold it together. "I'm going to miss you too.. so much." She chokes up at the end. To be honest, Olivia didn't want Spencer to board on that plane. But she knew she had to let him go.

Spencer notices his girlfriend was about to cry so he went close to her and gently held on to her face. "Hey, I'm going to call and text you everyday ight? We are going to Facetime each other every time we have time for each other. And did you forget, we're not that far apart, so we could visit each other, anytime, ight? I love you Liv."

Olivia is still holding it together. "I love you too, Spencer. I am so proud of you. Don't worry, I'll be fine in UCLA. I'll achieve my dreams and you'll achieve yours. I'm going to miss you, so much."

"I'm going to miss you too." Spencer saids before he leans in to give Olivia a slow and passionate kiss. To Olivia, she felt that it was going to their last kiss before they get separated. But she was didn't know was that Spencer was going to give her a huge surprise. He was actually attending UCLA so that him and Liv will be able to be together and see together.

After they kiss, the announcement came again and Spencer grabbed his suitcase to get ready to leave. "Well, looks like I gotta go." Spencer saids. Olivia nods silently, again trying her best to hold her tears in. Spencer gives her one last kiss before saying: "Goodbye Liv.." She waves goodbye, unable to say the words.

He then walks to the line, boarding the plane. He looks back at Liv one more time to see her completely break down. She mouths out while tears are falling down her face: "Goodbye All American..."

Spencer had a sad expression. He didn't actually expect for Liv to feel this way. In his mind, he wanted to stay with his girlfriend but he knew he couldn't. He had to go along with his plan. After he checks himself in, Spencer finally walks inside the plane, with Olivia leaving broken. She was proud and happy for Spencer, but in her mind, these words came into her head.

"Spencer... Spencer... please don't go.. please don't leave me... I don't want to be alone again... please baby... come back to me...."

Olivia has honestly had those words in her head while she was walking out of the airport. She wanted Spencer. She wanted her boyfriend, her true happiness, to be with her in college. But she had realized that she needed to focus on her and her well being and not her boyfriend's.

It was the next day and Olivia was leaving to go to UCLA. After she said all of her goodbyes to her family and friends, she drives off to UCLA. After a long drive, she arrives and enters her dorm room. After she puts her things together, she goes outside to sit on a random bench. She then takes out her phone and records a voice message for Spencer.

Olivia's Voicemail: "Hey, baby. So today is the day, I'm finally at UCLA. I know... you're proud of me. I am too. But to be honest, I don't think my full experience will be complete without you here. But you know, life happens. And it's ok. I'll be fine here. I wish you the best in Ohio. I can't wait to visit you so that I can see your sexy ass in those games. Well.. that's it I guess. I'll see you soon. I miss you..."

She sends the message and after a few minutes, she gets a voice message back. Olivia didn't expect for Spencer to reply so quickly.

Spencer's Voicemail: Aw I miss your sexy ass too, baby. But don't worry, Liv, you will see me a lot more often. I got a surprise for you baby. Turn around..."

And with that, she turns around to see the person she had least expected. She sees Spencer with a UCLA hoodie on with a bouquet of roses, giving off the biggest smile. Olivia breaks down in tears and runs to him, jumping onto his waist and giving him the tightest hug. Spencer chuckles in cuteness as he hears her reaction. He could tell she was happy to see him. After hugging for a minute or two, they let go of each other.

Olivia was feeling a lot. Surprised. Baffled. But overall, she felt happy. Happy that her loving boyfriend was there in her presence. "Babe, what are you doing here?"

"Well, I wanted to surprise you. And tell you that, I am actually attending UCLA. I get to stay with my queen." Spencer saids while giving her a kiss. Liv was confused. "Wait, what are you talking about?"

"I lied about going to Toledo. I've been planning on coming here since I was a child. I wasn't going to give up my childhood dream just to go to another school that's out of state with a good offer. I rather stay home. Where my heart belongs."

Olivia was in awe. She finally thought that besides her brother being there, she wasn't going to be completely alone. "Oh, Spencer... I.. I don't know what to say..." Spencer cuts in.

"You really thought I was going to leave you? Alone? Hell nah..." They both laughed. He continued. "I knew that if your dream was going to come true, I was going to be there with you. And I knew that if my NFL dream was going to come true, I wanted you, my girlfriend, and my future wife, to be there with me also along this journey. So, what do you think? You want to be apart of this journey with me?"

Olivia smiles and wraps her arms around Spencer. "I would be honored." She kisses him passionately knowing that her and Spencer were going to be fine in college.

(I don't really like how this chapter came out. Hopefully you guys like it)

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