graduation (version)

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(Since tonight's episode pissed me off so much, I decided to type my version of a spelivia chapter because we didn't get much of them this episode...)

After Carter walked in with the news of Spencer not walking and him being fired from his position as a principal, Olivia felt bad about the situation. She thought that the "it was me" coming together moment would work but it didn't. She just wished it would've went a different way with her boyfriend.

"I'm so sorry babe. You don't deserve this..." Olivia saids sadly. Spencer sighs, giving her a kiss, holding her hands. "Nah, it's alright. At least I'm not expelled right?" He asks, trying to brighten the mood. Liv's facial expression didn't change the mood at all.

"Look, technically I'm still graduating. I'm just not walking across a boring ass stage grabbing a piece of paper..." Liv hangs her head down but Spencer immediately holds her chin up, making sure she looks at him.

"It's going to be alright baby. I promise you. I'mma see you after you walk across your stage, ight?" Liv sighs, nodding. He hugs her, holding onto her tight.

"It's going to be ok... I promise..."


Graduation came and everyone walked across the stage, receiving their diplomas.

Except for one person. She knew. And she wasn't going to accept that.

Grace is holding a blindfolded Spencer down a boardwalk at the beach. Spencer is confused as he doesn't know what's happening.

"Ma, where are we going? And why am I blindfolded?" He asks, being impatient. Grace stops his tracks. "Boy, calm down. Now you can take it off." Just then, he takes the blindfold off and sees an unexpected sight.

"Congratulations!!" The crowd roars out as they clap and cheer for their best man. Spencer cheers in shock and confusion as he walks towards his friends and family. "Ha, what the hell is this?"

Olivia walks forward with his cap and gown in her hand. "Well, you not wearing a cap and gown, getting a piece of paper on stage didn't feel right so we thought why not do it here, with your friends, family and your girlfriend..." Spencer smiles in awe, with Liv putting on his gown and cap. He gives her a passionate kiss, with everyone shouting a disgusted sound.

"Ugh, alright, alright, enough of that..." Billy saids. Spencer and Liv let go of each other, looking at everyone amused.

"Thanks everyone! Really..." Spencer saids, appreciated.

"You're welcome man! Now come on! Get your diploma already!" Jordan saids before they all gather around, waiting for this moment.

As Spencer walks up to Billy, standing across from him, he turns his tassel sideways and accepts his diploma. Everyone gives a round of applause, with Spencer pointing towards his mother, feeling proud of himself. His mother and brother Dillon did the same, feeling the same way.

The group comes together to throw up their caps in the air, with Spencer and Olivia giving each other another passionate kiss as they are ready for the next chapter of their lives.


The night settles in and the friends decided to chill at a beach for a bonfire moment. While the group is laughing, having a great time, Olivia decides to have a private moment with Spencer. They walk off to sit near the ocean, cuddling in the process. They look up at the night sky, taking in this beautiful moment.

"I can't believe we're going to the same college babe. That's crazy..." Spencer saids, surprised. Earlier, his girlfriend told him that she was attending Golden Angeles University, the same college Spencer was attending. She thought that it was a good choice to try out her passion for journalism. But the other reasoning, she was honestly too shy to admit, until now.

"Yeah I mean... we're both starting our dreams. And what way to do it, then to do it together?" Olivia saids, smiling into his eyes. Spencer smiles back, looking back up at the sky.

"Be honest with me, you're attending GAU because of me?"

Olivia looks at him, sighing. "Well, that's part of it. I don't want this to be like "I'm following you type of thing". It's like I'm being clingy or thirsty or whatever..." They both chuckle. "But um, I thought that GAU had really good journalism opportunities for me. I want to be able to speak my truth out to the world."

"You will. You just need the right support and courage."

"That's why I have you." Spencer smiles at Liv's words as he leans into his girlfriend, giving her a sweet kiss with the sound of waves brushing through their ears. After they kiss, they hold on to each other, wondering.

"Hey..." Olivia starts off. Spencer hums.

"Do you think college will change anything when it comes to us?" Spencer has honestly been wondering that too. The timing, classes, practices and people could interrupt their relationship. But he didn't want to think negatively. He honestly hoped for the best.

"Honestly, I don't know. I hope it doesn't because I don't want to be separated from you. We have been through too much to just break up or something. I love you Liv, really I do."

"I love you too Spencer. I don't want to separated either. You're the reason I'm living. And I want to live my dream with you being a part of me." Liv saids, meaning every word. Spencer smiles, just being in love.

"Me too."

As they kiss, the gang admires from afar, really appreciating how much they have been through in order to be in the place they are now.

Let's hope college doesn't ruin it...

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