We Just Got Home...

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Allie's P.O.V

It's been three weeks since we flew back to Australia, and had everything fall back into plce the way it was supposed to be. Clark is gone, the kids are safe, and hopefully it's not to late, and mum can straighten herself out.

Mikey's mum has been the greatest though. It was so sweet of her to let me move in, even though Mikey and I are dating, but she said we are both old enough to make good choices.

Right now, Ashton and I are going to the courthouse, to see if Ashton and the kids can live by themselves, since Ashton adn I are both old enough to take care of them. It was our job before mainly, so why not?

Ashton doesn't want to put any more stress on the Hemmings family. Liz and Andrew both already have three children of their own, they don't need to put three more on their plate. That's twice as much money to feed everyone.

Hopefully the judge will allow it, since Ash is an adult now.

"Allie I was talking with a few members from our teams, and they were talking about setting up a tour for you soon." Ashton said randomly, after we had sat in silence for nearly ten minutes.

"Really? How soon?" I asked him.

"They had mentioned next month, or somethinging like that." Ashton said. I looked at him, with a puzzled face.

"Please tell me you said I'm not doing it." I said.

"I told them to talk to you about it before making anything final. Why?"  Ashon asked me.

"Ash, we just got home. I don't really wanna fly all the way around the world just yet. I want the whole situation with mum and the kids to get solved. I can't just leave them behind. What if you and the boys have to leave, then what'll happen? I don't trust mum enough yet. I'm not leaving until she proves to all of us that she isn't the same women she was with Clark." I explained, frustrated that he would ask me that.

"That's kinda what I figured Allie. That's why I told them to talk to you first." Ashton said.

"I appreciate that." I said. Ashton smiled at me then looked back at the road.

We arrived at the courthouse just five minutes before we were told to meet the judge there, so we figured we would be sent to his ofice right away, and we were.

"So Mr. Irwin, you'd like to have custody of your siblings until your mother is cleared?" Judge Murphy asked him. Ashton nodded his head.

"What makes you think you're ready to take care of them on your own?" He asked Ashton.

"Well Allie and I basically took care of them alone anyway, well since Clark came around. Even when Clark was causing us hell in our lives, we always pulled through for Harry and Lauren." Ashton explained.

"And Allie will be helping you out with them?" Murphy asked.

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