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Soooooo, I'm probably not going to publish a chapter for quite some time now. I really want to get into this story again but I just can't seem to. I have GIGANTIC writers block. I am not going to stop trying to write a new chapter tho. I've just been feeling really shitty and I started goind to school again. 

On a bit more positive note, I'm starting a Vigilante Deku book which I hope to publish soon :) AND!!!!! My best friend is writing a book! It's a lesbian romance set in old Britain and it is very interesting! Her dream is to publish it and i would love for you to check it out! BUT she is writing it in our native language and not in english so right now I am in the process of translating the first chapter!! I'm going to inform you all when i'm finished with it! her account @Garden_Fairy_ if you would like to check it out! 

Thats it for today! You could mabye expect a chapter this week bc i really want to start writing again, but don't get your hopes up :(

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