Chapter 63

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 Lucille woke up feeling well rested. Glancing at the window, it was a light dusky blue outside. She was surprised at how soundly she must've slept. It felt as though she had just laid down in bed with him only moments ago.

Carefully she rolled over to look at Aleron. He was spread out on his stomach next to her, still sound asleep. He hadn't even moved an inch when she rolled over. Saving her must've really worn him out.

Staring at his peaceful, sleeping face still evoked strong emotions in her. The sight made her heart swell with love and it almost ached with how deeply she felt it. Tears pricked her eyes. She didn't understand why things had to be like this. She didn't want to hate him, she didn't want to see him and think of how many lives he had ruined with his business. It was like the near perfect image she had of him prior to Eranel had been shattered.

She loathed Eranel for everything he had done, but especially for saying what he had. That was said only to cause problems and to hurt her, she knew it. She wished she could have just gone on being clueless about everything for even just a little bit longer. She already had enough to worry about and deal with trying to heal with what Eranel had done to her, she didn't need this too. She was thankful for his death. Something she probably should have felt bad about, but couldn't find it in her to.

A few stray tears worked their way out of her eyes. Wiping them away, she rolled back over and closed her eyes, sniffling once.

The bed moved as Aleron finally shifted and he moved closer to her. His arm wrapped back around her waist. That only seemed to further drive the stake into her heart. She loved this so much, even with what he had done she still felt so safe in his arms.

"I am so sorry, Lucille. I am so sorry that you had to learn about my work this way. I knew it would be difficult for you to hear about it, even if I had prepared you and even if you didn't have to deal with so much to begin with." He whispered, nuzzling his face against her neck.

"I just don't understand why. What's so difficult for me to accept is the fact that you've played such a large role in ruining human's lives and I just don't understand how you could do that."

"I know, I know. I honestly never cared before I met you. I've been doing this for hundreds of years, long before I even had a clue that I could feel love, especially for a human. I never even stopped to consider a human's feelings before, it was just everyday life for me. Please understand, Lucille, that it was—is a lucrative business here in this world and its not in our nature to feel empathy and to concern ourselves with the emotions of others. Up until you stepped into my life I was leading a fairly typical demonic life." He paused. "If it makes it better at all, I haven't taken a large role in the past few years. I used to be far more deeply into it, but I have taken a backseat and mostly just oversee those working for me. A lot of lower demons rely on me and the connections I have to make a living."

"I do understand, it's just extremely difficult for me to accept. Even though I know you're a demon and I've known all along that demons are inherently 'evil' I still can't believe you could do something like that."

"I know. I did say that I've done a lot to hide you from the darker side of my life and the darkness of this world. I have such a strong need to protect you and if I had it my way you never would have found out about this. All I want is for you to be happy."

Hearing him say he cared about her safety and happiness and with such emotion in his voice made more tears come out of her eyes. She couldn't help it.

"I sort of wish I hadn't found out about it either. Even though it hasn't been the easiest and it's been sort of stressful, I am glad I chose to come here with you. I have been so happy to be with you. You make me happy and I love you, it's just not going to be easy for me to come to terms with this." Her voice was all wobbly from crying and she hated it.

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