Chapter 6

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Valdis walked into the hospital room and sat down while the doctor closed the door and came back over to her.

"Now I'm going to need you to take off your shirt so I can see the damage." The doctor told her calmly as she started gathering supplies.

She waited until her doctor turned back to face her before staring into the woman's eyes and shifting her eyes into her vampire ones. The doctor immediately stopped moving and stayed there like a mouse staring up at a snake right before it was killed. "You will take me out to the detectives and medical examiner assistant and tell them I am perfectly fine and can go with them. After that you will forget you ever saw me and go back to your normal day. Is that understood?"

"Yes." The doctor replied blankly.

"Good, now get moving."

Valdis followed the now hypnotized doctor out to the waiting room where the others were waiting for her to come out, they looked up as they saw her and met the doctor half way before coming to a stop.

"So Doc how is she?" Lucas asked curiously.

Her doctor looked down at the blank papers. "Valdis is just fine, she can leave now."

"Really?" Hanson questioned. "But she's been stabbed through the chest."

"Out of us who is the doctor and the one who examined the patient?" Valdis tried not to laugh at the sudden anger in her doctor's voice. "Now I must be going, I have other people to help."

Valdis saw the looks on their faces and cleared her throat. "I believe we were going to the precinct so you could question me?"

"Yeah." Jo nodded and turned around. "Come on, let's go."

Valdis began to follow Detective Martinez and Hanson when someone grabbed her wrist, when she turned around she saw Lucas quickly let go, though he still kept his suspicious look. "No one can be fine after being stabbed through hard enough to crack a floor. What are you?"

"That, Lucas Wahl, is a simple answer..." She smirked as she sensed his slight fear. "I am human just like everyone else here."

She turned around and walked back out into the cloudy sky before getting into the car, she was weakening again, instead of hunting in four days it seemed she would have to hunt again tomorrow if she didn't stop using her powers soon. Lucas got in a few minutes later still giving her suspicious looks but didn't speak up again to ask her how she was 'just fine'. The rest of the car was in a tense silence as well, Jo was sitting in the passenger seat looking out the front window while occasionally fidgeting, which didn't seem like a normal behavior for her considering Hanson was casting her concerned looks from where he was driving. All in all, Valdis was relieved when they got to the NYPD and she could get out of the claustrophobic car and go inside... only to find Henry? The others seemed mildly surprised at him being there, though they all visibly relaxed seeing he was safe from the 'monster' he had been 'chasing'... except for Jo, she looked furious.

"What were you thinking?" She shouted at the medical examiner. "What would have happened if that thing turned on you and killed you?"

"What?" Henry glanced at Valdis who avoided his gaze. "Oh, right... Well, I guess I should be lucky it didn't catch me, though I also lost it moments after I decided to follow it outside."

"Next time don't play hero." Hanson suggested. "We don't need our best medical examiner to wind up dead now do we?"

"Of course not." Henry smiled a bit as if at an inside joke and sent Valdis a grateful look, which she only shrugged to in response, after all, the only reason she had done it was because he clearly wasn't human.

"Lucas why don't you go start an autopsy on the woman with Henry while we get some answers from Valdis here." Detective Martinez suggested as she led Valdis towards the interrogation room.

"That has already been taken care of Detective." Henry spoke up. "The cause of death was obviously a drainage of blood from her body through two marks on her throat."

"A bite mark?" Lucas asked with interest.

"No one has teeth that could do that, so... no." Henry shot down his assistance's idea, even though it had been correct. "Most likely needles."

"Well then, I guess you two get a break." Hanson congratulated them. "I wish I was as lucky as you two."

"You prefer sitting at your desk doing nothing?" Valdis questioned and gave him a confused look. "That is odd considering your job usually requires you to be out and about the city."

He grunted in response as she was taken into the room and sat down in a chair, from where she sat Valdis could see a camera clearly placed to film both the interrogator and the person being interrogated. She could bet Henry, and Lucas, were watching from outside the room as well. Jo sat across from her and crossed her arms.

"So, what exactly happened?" She asked Valdis.

Valdis leaned back and examined the detective as she spoke. "A man, I'm not sure what he looked like he wore a mask, was in my house when I got there. He claimed to have killed my father and was going to kill me unless I helped him get revenge on a man who did something to him. By the results you saw I'm sure you can already guess I refused... he left me there to die; he probably killed my downstairs neighbor to keep her quiet. When I woke up with you there... unconscious... I wasn't sure what was going on. Dr. Morgan left after the creature you said had attacked and I didn't know what else to do besides help you if I could, then Hanson got in with the others and you were with me the rest of that time."

"Tell me, are you allergic to silver?"

Valdis nodded. "It causes my skin to react yes."

"Did your attempted killer know this?" Hanson finally asked a question.

"I'm not sure. It is possible... if they were a stalker of my family."

Jo was about to ask another question when a knock, or more like a loud banging noise, came from the other side of the door. Hanson sighed and walked outside, Jo turned to her before following. "We'll be right back."

"Take your time detectives." Valdis replied as she went back to staring at the wall, debating how close she could lie and stay near the truth.

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