Chapter 17

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Henry laid down the poisonous weapons and looked outside through the antique shop's windows at the sunset, they hadn't gone into work today, when Valdis had come back inside that morning she had instructed them to get used to their weapons. So that was what they did. Lucas seemed to have fun with his crossbow, which Henry made him take to the basement to practice before he hurt anything in the shop, and Jo already handled the gun with a master's precision. Abe had known he wouldn't have to practice with his as he wouldn't be fighting unless necessary... and then there was Adam. Henry didn't know how good he was at using his new weapons, just that he didn't trust the immortal with them; if he knew Adam well enough by now Henry could guess the other immortal may 'accidentally' kill him in the fighting.

"You seem... concerned." Adam's voice entered the room with the owner following it close behind.

"Speak of the immortal." Henry muttered before turning to him. "We should all be. By this time tomorrow we could all be dead."

"Maybe not all."

"What will I have left to be alive for if my friends and family are gone?"

Adam gave him a slightly hurt look. "Your friends... I told you it wasn't a good idea to have mortal ones."

"You also didn't like the bloodsucking one, that seems to have changed or so Abe has observed and told me." Henry shot back, aware that Jo and Lucas could enter the room at any second. "Your opinion on the others could change."

Adam didn't answer for a moment but seemed to unconsciously flick his gaze towards the stairs where Valdis was resting. "I don't care if those two die, but I will protect Abe. I told you I would never hurt him nor let anything else hurt him."

"Touching." Henry replied, not believing him in the slightest. "Tell me, when all of this is over and Master Vampire is dead what are you going to do?"

"What do you mean? I would go back to a normal life... semi-normal life."

"She's a vampire and I already can tell you're planning something with her involved."

"You think I'm going to harm her?" He leaned against the counter and looked calmly back at Henry. "I thought Abe told you we were friends."

"I believe that's what you want us to think... then you'll kill her as well. No vampires left to destroy us."

Adam gave him a menacing smile. "You're right. I'll stab her in the heart just after she finishes off the real threat. What are you going to do? Tell her?"

"No. I'll let her deal with you, you're not strong enough to take her in a fight." Henry retorted before turning his head towards the basement steps as Lucas and Jo came up. "How was training?"

"I had to show Wahl here how to shoot but I think he can hold his own now." Jo replied proudly. "How are your knife skills?"

"Sharp." He replied simply.

"We're going to patrol the area until Valdis is up." Lucas announced. "I hope we run into a vampire... so I can uh, kill it of course."

"See you Henry." Jo waved as she left with his over excited assistant.

"They... are going to get themselves killed." Adam decided before picking up an antique baseball bat and handing it to Henry. "Time for you to wake up Valdis before it happens."

Henry frowned. "Do you expect me to hit her with it?"

"No, just jab her in the head... unless you think you can just shake her awake without nearly having your throat ripped out."

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