Chapter 11

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Lucas had come in early to work the next morning partly to prepare for any new autopsy they may perform, but also partly to impress Henry to show the medical examiner he was dedicated to his job. At first he didn't see anything unusual either. He walked past Henry's office and over to their normal operating table and began to get their tools out, it wasn't until he nearly slipped in a pool of blood on the floor that he looked down and saw a trail... leading to Dr. Morgan's office. Lucas looked around for anyone else before grabbing a scalpel from the table and walking towards the door, he opened it slowly and walked inside, what he saw made the scalpel fall out of his hand as he dropped it in shock. Hanging from the ceiling with a head that was barely attached to the body only by the bone and drying blood soaking it was Valdis. He backed away quickly and ran for the elevator, Lieutenant Reece would need to hear what happened, they would need to find the killer, the marks were obviously not from Henry. Lucas' guess; it was the monster Henry had tried to follow.

Reece looked up as Lucas burst into her office; frankly she was also a bit surprised to see it was Lucas. "What is it Wahl?"

"T-there's a dead... body. I-in Henry's office." Lucas panted as he explained what he saw. "It looked fresh."

"Call Henry in." Reece ordered. "I'll get Detective Hanson and Detective Martinez on this as well."

There was the sound of the door opening and Jo walked in. "I'm afraid Hanson won't be coming into work."

"Why not?" Lieutenant Reece question sternly.

"Look outside." She walked out of the office with the other two following. "Others said he just walked into the street, the car didn't have a chance to even stop, though that didn't stop the driver from continuing on his way."

"A hit and run?" Lucas asked.

"Accidental." Jo replied. "Or that's what the witnesses say."

"I guess we'll see once Dr. Morgan gets here." Reece replied as she looked at the body of one of her trusted detectives. "I'm sure he'll have something to say about what happened."

"Do you think this is related to Valdis' death?" Lucas asked as he watched cops take the body inside and down to the morgue. "They were pretty close together."

"Valdis is dead?" Jo looked at him in disbelief. "How... when?"

"Not sure about the when... but the how looks a bit messy." Lucas replied as he went back inside to call Henry.

"Hello?" Lucas heard Henry's inquisitive voice came over the line.

"Hey, uh, Henry. It's me, Lucas, uh... we have two bodies you need to come see."

"I'll be right there. Where are you?"

"The precinct." Lucas paused. "It was Detective Hanson and Valdis."

There was a long silence on the other end. "Valdis? What was she doing there?"

"Not sure." Lucas replied. "I'll start on Hanson... I'll let you see the crime scene in your office before we take it down... You should be able to find something."

"Right, right... I'll be right there." Henry hung up and Lucas looked at the phone in confusion. Why had Henry sounded so... perturbed? He dealt with deaths everyday, of course usually the deaths actually looked like a human did it.

Lucas had just finished prepping Hanson's body for examination when Henry came out of the elevators and walked towards his office where Valdis still hung. He put down his tools and ran over to join him as he observed the nearly headless body.

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