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Union Academy the place heros are trained to help people and fight evil, but not all is as it seems. Under the surface the so-called heros are no better that the evil they claim to fight.

No ones pov

Y/n was walking to class when suddenly his bullies surround him and start attacking him till he was bruised and bloodied.

"You should do this school a favor and just kill yourself" wiess said coldly.

"Ha Ha Serves him right he's just a no good villain who shouldn't be even allowed here in the first place."Shoto added.

"Why don't you crawl under some rock and Die like the worthless scum you are" Issie said smugly.

Y/n's pov
" Why am I hated when I haven't done anything wrong?" I thought to myself. I slowly Limmped to combat class.

Glynda's Pov

I watched as a beaten Y/n limped into my class.

He got to his seat and sat down quietly.

this time skip brought to you by chibi Y/n playing with a chibi grimm.

Y/n's pov.

I was walking back to my dorm when suddenly I heard my bullies calling me all kinds of nasty names.

I ignored their juvinile attemps to anger me.
Then I was struck in the gut by a punch and when I looked to where the punch came from I saw Issie,Weise,and Shoto glaring at me with hatred.

"Why are you guys attacking me that's not what heros do." I said sadly.

After I had said my peace I walked calmly to my dorm and went to sleep.

Time skip to morning.

no-ones pov
we see Y/n walking into the lunchroom to get breakfast.

Y/n's pov

I was going to get myself some breakfast when suddenly my bullies began to attack me.

First Issie summoned Dairag and began to punch me reppeated punching me in my gut.

Then Shoto froze my feet so I can't escape.

Finaly Weise slashed me all over.

I finaly had enough of their bs and began to fight back.

Just then Allmight came in and heard the comotion.

Allmights pov

I had just entered the cafeteria and saw young l/n attacking some of the other students.

Young l/n "what is the meaning of this?" I said in disbelief.

"They attacked me first so I'm defending my self." I heard him say.

But before I could get both sides of the story I heard the intercoms say " Would Mr L/n please head to the headmaster's office.

Time skip brought to you by chibi Author kicking chibi y/n's bullies butts.

y/n's pov

I walked to the headmasters office.

I heard some of the students and staff calling me all sorts of cruel things but I ignored their name calling,and focused on geting to my destination.

When I got to the headmaster's offfice I saw several students and teachers glaring at me.

3rd person pov

" Mr L/n do you know why your here",Ozpin said coldly.

" No sir." I said respectfuly.

"There have been several reports of you disobeying the rules. Sirzechs said with venom dripping from every word.

"Sad to say that you've become a nusaince to this school." Nezu said spitefuly

"We have no choice but to expel you, you gave about 1 hour to get your stuff and leave the school grounds,but if you stay after the hour is up you'll be thrown out and charged with lottering" Ozpin says with anger and disapointment.

Every one was shocked when both Glynda & Midnight spoke up in an angry tone "We can't believe what we are hearing If this is what this school is about then we would rather quit then be apart of a group of discrimitory false faced snakes"

"I agree with you that the school has lost its way" Allmight said sadly.

"Thanks for standing up for me but you guys shouldn't saccrifice your careers for just one person I replied.

With that Y/n left the headmasters office and returned to his dorm to gather his stuff and leave this h-hole.

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