Chapter 1

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3rd person pov

Yn summons a portal away from union.
little did he know that two people was watching him leave.

Y/n's pov
I jumped into my portal,and landed some alley in union city.

I walk out of the alley and felt somebody bumped into me.

I looked down and saw a young girl dresses in medical gown.

"Are you okay cutie?" I asked gently.

"I'm okay" she said shly.

I began to pet her head when saw that she had been abused.

"Eri you should be more careful." Overhaul said.

I noticed how the girl I now know as Eri kept hiding behind me.

This theme plays as you get into fighting stance

"So he's the one abusing her,and is just using her for her quirk" I said in my head.

"Give the brat back and nobody has to get hurt." Overhaul said in a agravated tone.

"Not gonna happen" I said coldly.

Then I'll kill you and take Eri from you.

"I'd like to see you try." I said darkly.

"So be it." Overhaul said.

Before overhaul could even attack y/n he was impelled by a black bone right in the heart.

"well that is that." I said satified that the abusive monster was dead by my own hands.

"Hey Erie do you want to come home with me?" I asked her

she nodded yes shyly.

We entered the portal  unaware that someone was watching.

Third person pov

???? "so you're  the one that the boss wanted to observe.

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