[43 - sovereignty; story of power]

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Alvara frowned, stepping past sharp branches that stretched out against her leg. She was in the general area, that was for certain. Raphael had told her several times of what to keep an eye for, and this place seemed to be it.

Only, the person promised to find her, according to Soren, never arrived.

Or maybe, she thought quietly, they were already there.

If they were, she wished they'd hurry and kidnap her. Getting lost did her no good, and there was little time for delay or she might ruin Soren's entire plan.

"Hey, necromancer." A light voice greeted with careless politeness.

Alvara stopped in her tracks and raised her head, scrutinizing the identical branches that hung overhead. It was daytime, and the sun streamed through the gaps, illuminating everything in the forest.

It'd be hard to hide.

After searching for the voice and failing, Alvara sighed. "I'm guessing you're one of the fox tribe members that Soren mentioned?"

"...Soren?" asked the voice gently, before warmth seeped into their tone. "No wonder Leader sent me out today. If that prince sent you out here, then he probably needs something. Follow my voice."

A loud rustle jumped from branch to branch, tree to tree. Alvara couldn't see them, but she heard them clearly as they formed a path before her.

Useful, really.

The more she followed the sound, the more lost she felt, twisting and turning through the endless grooves of trees. Her sense of direction wasn't bad — brilliant if compared to Soren, in fact — but she didn't know where she was.

Nor was there time to find out when the sounds drifted further with no intention of stopping.

Alvara hurried after, stumbling through jutting out roots, or twisting vines which tangled together at her feet. She almost feared she wouldn't make it with her limited abilities, to this place, which seemed so mysterious.

Eventually, she did.

Tripping on a stretched out branch at the last moment, she fell forward into a clearing. Her eyes blurred and, for a moment, nothing was there.

"Come on, step forward." encouraged the same voice from earlier.

And so Alvara did.

Slowly standing to her feet, brushing the dirt off her legs, she took a step forward into nothing. Until the invisible wall dispersed, leaving a tall, old building before her.

A cloaked figure stood in front, their aura radiating off their body like tidal waves. Their hood was low, covering their face entirely as the ground seemed to be coloured in their presence.

"A simple human dares to venture into this land of mine?"

Inquisitive, the voice was, low and probing, as if trying to steal your most hidden secrets, deepest thoughts.

Alvara swallowed, feeling numerous pairs of eyes fixated on her from the dark gaps in the building, hiding whatever moved in the shadows. The wind whistled in an ominous song, foretelling her death.

She was a normal teenager before she woke, putting aside the suffering she went through. Here, before these piercing stares, she was terrified.

But she had promised.

"You won't kill me." remarked the necromancer with a casual smile, walking to the forward, stopping only meters away.

The pale teenager glanced at her and raised his brow curiously. He hadn't expected such a direct confrontation, nor the confident words the girl spoke.

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