Chapter 2

424 9 3

Date: ???
Location: At Azur Lane

The damage caused by Akagi, Kaga and the siren ships we're not to massive to completely annihilate the base, now Prince of Wales, Illustrious and yourself are talking about the recent attack

Prince of Wales: They got us, i didn't expect them to attack us first

Illustrious: We're not surprised they joined the Ironblood and to be expected

Prince of Wales: Perhaps they moved too soon, they don't know the sirens power how dangerous it is

Y/n: I mean it makes sense, using your enemies' technology against themselves is a smart tactic i'd say

Prince of Wales: Wait so you agree with the Crimson Axis?

Y/n: No, if you can easily defeat those siren things it makes no sense to use their technology... im suspecting something here...

Prince of Wales: Which is?

Y/n: Do you think that the Crimson Axis have allied with the Sirens? Or the Sirens might have manipulated one of them and they were behind this whole split

Illustrious: That makes sense... but why did they agree to this?

Y/n: There is no answer to that until we find their hidden secrets

Prince of Wales: Oh and where did you come from? Im curious

Y/n: Uh.. me? (Thoughts: Wait, they don't recognize my design? That is odd since everyone on earth knows us, im fairly sure my theory of being in another world is true)

Prince of Wales: Yeah you

Y/n: Well you see... im from the moon

This shocked everyone

Illustrious: The moon? Wait does that mean you can fly to space?

Y/n: That's why my aircraft is circular and that i can fly around like aircraft instead of skiing on water like you regular ships

Prince of Wales: I see

Illustrious: I wonder, what is the feeling of flying like planes?

Y/n: Weird i'd say, it feels like your swimming but your not drowning and your feet have 2 boosters each allowing you to move around the sky in fast speeds

Illustrious: Interesting, anyways back to the topic, we need to focus on rebuilding, the main Royal Navy forces will be arriving soon, we mustn't be caught off-guard ever again

Prince of Wales: And thank goodness for you and Eagle Union's Enterprise

Illustrious: Yes, but at great risk to her own insistence

Prince of Wales: Her strength is limitless, she fights without hesitation like an arrow loosed from it's bow and yet...

Illustrious: Let us not forget that when a bow is strung too tightly it can easily snap

- Timeskip brought to you by Y/n searching for the scientific name of pig (Y/N NO DON'T YOU DARE) -

Cleveland: Keep it steady! Almost there! And... stop! *sigh* can't believe how much maintenance we still have to do...

- Meanwhile -

San Diego: Loot at my ship! *proceeds to cry*

Glowworm: It's bad

- Meanwhile -

Cleveland: I wish we have at least had a repair ship to help us out with this mess...

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