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Drake’s POV


“Oh shit!” I say when I enter the library. Oh god! I didn’t do the problems! Damn! I better get them done quickly! I sit down and start working on them rushed. Thankfully he is late and I get them done more or less. I didn’t have tim to really work on them. Maybe he won’t notice.


The chair next to me is pulled out. I look at Sam as he sits. Still wearing shades with an irritated frown.


“Your face is going to freeze that way.” I tell him trying to put him in a good mood, but that’s like trying to stop the sun from rising.


“Page 132 today.” He says grumpily.


“Okie-dokie teach.” I say as happily as I can.


“Ugh, your voice hurts my head” He says. Well, that’s nice. Who shoved a stick up his ass? I pull out my book. “Okay so try to do two on your own.” He says and lays his head down.  God, he must be hungover. When isn’t he, though?Well, maybe he won’t remember about the homework.


At first I think this is true we get through most of the hour with him teaching me, but then near the end that bubble is popped. “Okay pull out your problems yesterday and read your work for the first one.” I swallow thickly and do as he says. At first he keeps his head down listening, but then he raises his head and holds his hand up. “What happened?” He asks.


“What do you mean?” I ask him.


“You had it down yesterday, but now you’ve got it all wrong. What happened? Did you even try?” He asks me.


“W. . .Well. . .actually. . .um. . .I forgot about it. . . and did it before you came. . .” I say quietly.


“What?!” He asks. “You forgot and just did it in a flash? What kind of idiot are you?” He asks.


“Hey don’t call me an idiot!” I exclaim.


“Oh, right you’re a twat. You’re never going to learn! You’re just going to keep flunking you twat.” He says meanly.


“Shut up! I don’t need you insulting me!” I yell.


“Ha! I’m just stating facts Twat.” He says standing.


“I don’t need a brat like you calling me a twat! You’re just some brat with a brain that is always hungover probably on daddy’s fine wine collection and is babied by mommy. You have no right to insult me!” I yell. He grabs his things and starts walking away. “What? Are you going home to cry to mommy about some big meanie stating facts?” I ask standing up. He turns back to me walking and flips the bird. As he’s doing this he keeps going straight, straight towards a coffee table. I open my mouth to yell a warning, but it’s to late and he bumps into the side of it tripping and lands onto the ground roughly. His bag goes flying and I see his shades go flying under his bag. When he doesn’t get up right away run to his side. “Sam! Are you alright?!” I ask kneeling next to him. He pushes up onto his knees and looks in my direction. My eyes widen. His eyes are so blue! Clashing with his night black hair and pale skin are bright blue eyes that put mine to shame. Hands on the ground he starts looking around.

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