Sweet Treats on Halloween Night

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Year: 882; Present Time.

Month: October 31st.

Time: 1900.

Caspian's P.O.V.

The multi-colored leaves fell to the ground with each breeze that blew. Fake cobwebs lined branches, and tombstones filled patches of grass. Many children ran around the village in fun costumes, knocking from door to door, collecting an array of sweet treats. Music chimed from each of the houses, and piles of leaves were being kicked up. Caspian and Wren walked hand in hand as Sparrow, Camdyn, Iris, Seraphina, and Elvern ran from door to door. Each kid was dressed as a different type of pokémon. Sparrow was dressed as Meowth, Camdyn as Areodactly, Iris as Clefairy, Seraphina as Moltres, and Elvern as Abra. The sun was set, and the night covered the village. Caspian and Wren stood at the edge of the house holding a lantern, showing the group where they were. The merman leaned and kissed his fairy sweetly on the cheek as they waited for the kids to return. Sparrow's giggles grew louder as she ran towards the two men. Her sack of candy had grown larger than her.

"Daddy! Papa! They had huuuge candy bars!" She laughed out, handing one of them to Caspian.

"Hey, that's really cool!" Caspian replied, checking over the candy bar, "This one is ok to eat, Sparrow." Caspian handed it back to her.

The group continued to walk for a bit more, the cool night breeze blowing over them. Seraphina, Iris, and Sparrow walked a bit ahead, smiling and talking amongst themselves. Both girls held the tiny fairy's hands as she hovered off of the ground, screaming in delight every time she flew higher than their heads. Wren had been giving the smaller fairy flying lessons to help her wings grow stronger. She smiled and giggled as she ate the candy bar. Camdyn and Elvern were going through their bags of candy with Wren. Having him check each piece before they all started eating them, with hushed whispers from Wren along the lines of, "Don't tell your dad I let you eat this much." with a snicker. Caspian smiled at the group as he walked behind them, holding almost all of the full sacks of candy, including a small one of his own to share with Wren. As the night grew longer and they decided it was time to return home, Sparrow was sound asleep in Wren's arms, holding onto his shirt. Caspian took the sacks and placed them on the kitchen table, with a promise to check the candy as soon as possible.

"Wren and I will check your candy in the morning, have a good night, guys," Caspian stated, hugging each kid.

"Night!" They all replied.

He walked into his room to get changed and clean the dirt and sweat off of him. Caspian had taken his small sack of candy and placed it in the bowl beside their bed. After a few minutes had passed and as he was taking off his shirt, Wren came through the door, shut, and locked it. He reached behind Caspian and snaked his arms around his waist, and kissed the back of Caspian's neck. His fingers ran idly up and down Caspian's chest and abs.

The merman had paused what he was doing, "Where are the kids?" he asked, turning his head to attempt to look at Wren. Caspian's hands pausing on his belt.

"Sparrow woke up, then Delilah and Willow decided to stop by. They offered to take the five of them to a haunted hayride. Then the kids are staying the night at their place, giving us a free night." Wren told him, kissing his neck once more.

Caspian smirked as he turned to face Wren, "In that case, I was just about to shower... care to join me?"

A mischievous glint appeared in Wren's eyes as he ran towards their shared bathroom, leaving a trail of clothes and a red wig behind him. Caspian chuckled as he took off the rest of his clothes and walked inside. Wren was turning the shower on; his wigs were outstretched behind him glowing brightly. Caspian grabbed two towels and set them on the counter. He opened the drawer, pulled out the aloe-based lube bottle and a condom, stepped inside the shower, and placed them on the shower ledge. Wren followed suit and went inside, shutting the shower door behind him.

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