Under the stars and the moon

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Year: 882; Present Time.

Month: January 19th.

Time: 0300.

Caspian's P.O.V.

Snow fell softly as the two men trudged their way through the snow. The taller's long dark hair held snowflakes like the stars in the sky. An animal fur coat was wrapped tightly around him, attempting to shield out the cold. His arm was held in front of him, holding a lantern for guiding light, and he had two canteens of water tied to his hip. In contrast, the shorter was in a plain shirt and pants, delighted to be in the wintry air. His bright blue wings soaked up the cold, and his cheeks tinged a rosy red. The fairy's cold immunity allowed him to walk freely in whatever clothes he wanted. His light blue eyes were closed, and his nose was upturned towards the sky. He held the taller's arm gently.

"We're almost there, Caspian; I know you're not the fondest of the cold." The fairy said with a giggle, leaning his head on Caspian's bicep, "the hot spring is just a little further!"

Caspian tucked his face deeper into the coat, the icy air nipping at his nose, "I'm okay, I promise." He said in a quiet voice.

Wren smiled and leaned up to kiss his cheek, "Thank you for coming with me. The spring will warm you up once you get inside."

The snow crunched beneath their boots as they made their way towards the spring. It was surrounded by trees and brush with glowing algae on some of the stones. Caspian walked to the edge of the spring and placed the lantern down. While Wren was busy creating thin ice walls around them, giving the both of them some semblance of privacy. When Wren finished, he dusted his hands off, freeing them from any lingering ice. As he turned around, Wren spotted Caspian already stripping himself of his clothes. The merman unbuttoned his jacket, hung it on a low tree branch, and placed both canteens by the spring water. Caspian undid his boots, taking the socks off as well. He pulled off his shirt and shucked off his pants and underwear, exposing his skin to the cold air. Wren flushed red and trailed his eyes up and down Caspian's body. The light blue iris' lingered at the merman's ass, as Caspian slowly stepped into the spring, and immediately went in deeper. The warm water wrapped around him like a blanket, and he dunked himself under it. Caspian relaxed his legs, letting his scales reemerge on his skin. He let them soak up the warm water before forming his tale. Caspian gave his tail a few experimental flicks, his fluke pushing some of the water. As he resurfaced, he saw Wren just as he took his pants off. Caspian blushed as he saw Wren's naked form, and then lowered himself into the water, so his mouth was covered.

"No matter how many times I see him like this... I can't stop blushing!" Caspian thought to himself, bubbles coming out of his mouth and breaking at the surface.

Wren stretched his arms high, and his wings fluttered behind him. With a sign, he made his way toward the spring and slowly stepped into the hot water. Once most of his body was submerged, he swam towards Caspian. When Wren was close to him, he stood flat on his feet; the water came right underneath his neck. The fairy giggled at Caspian as he sheltered himself under the warm water, only leaving the top half of his face above the surface. Wren reached out his hands under the water in search of Caspian's. Once he found them, Wren held onto them gently, rubbing his thumb over Caspian's knuckles. The fairy felt the merman's tail wrap around and hit the back of his knees, pulling Wren closer to him. Caspian lifted his head out of the water, leaned forward to Wren, and placed a chaste kiss on his cheek.

"This reminds me of when we were young," Wren said with a soft sign, "meeting in the dead of night no matter the weather."

"Only this time, you wanted the hot spring empty for the two of us," Caspian replied with a chuckle.

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