Until the Sun Rises

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Year: 882; Present Time.

Month: August 19th.

Time: 2145.

Wren's P.O.V.

The oak door shut behind the fairy with a light thud; his wings seemed to drag behind him. He sluggishly untied his boots and tossed them into the corner of the room. The cool summer breeze came through the open balcony door, the moonlight shining through. The cold air perked the ice fairy up; his wing's blue hue illuminated the dark room. Wren peeled off his pants and shirt and tossed them into a nearby hamper. The fairy stretched as he stood in his briefs; his bones cracked and popped as he did. The scale necklace rested on his chest; the silver sparkled in the moonlight. Wren heard the door open and shut behind him; the fairy then felt arms snake around his waist, and a kiss being placed on the back of his neck. Wren closed his eyes and reached his hand behind him to brush his fingers through his inky black hair.

"Hi," Wren turned around to face Caspian; the merman's arms were still around his waist.

Caspian kissed the center of the fairy's forehead and continued to pepper them around his face. The merman was still in his chitoniskos; the white fabric was stained with dirt. It was slightly ripped around the bottom, the frayed string barely holding it together. The cothurnus tied to his feet were broken and tattered. Caspian's arms had bruises and scrapes along them. The fairy's hands ghosted down the merman's biceps, just brushing over the injuries.

"Cas, how was training?" Wren asked, planting a quick kiss onto his lover's lips.

Caspian kissed him back, then rested his forehead on Wren's, "Zo kicked my ass. She wants me to learn how to use something other than a dagger and trident. So it was wooden claymore practice." The merman closed his eyes and sighed, "I've never been more sore."

The fairy tucked a piece of the merman's hair behind his pointed ear, "Go wash up and meet me out here. Forgo putting clothes back on. Just trust me, okay?" Wren sweetly said, and guided Caspian to their washroom.

"Okay, Clip," The merman teased as he went inside and shut the door behind him.

Wren laughed as he yelled through the door, "Again, with that nickname?"

"Love youuuu!" Caspian called out with a playfulness in his voice.

Once Wren heard the water start to run from the other side of the door, he began to assemble his items. The fairy threw dry logs into the fireplace with a patch of dried grass on top. He then struck flint against his knife, sending sparks onto the grass. Wren gently blew against the embers, and after a few minutes, the logs caught flame. The fairy sat back on his heels and smiled, happy with his work. He put the metal grate over the entrance and got up to his bedside drawer; inside was a vial of coconut oil. He took it out and placed it on top of the nightstand. Wren retrieved a bowl and formed a ball of ice in it, then set it next to the fireplace to warm. The fairy fixed up his shared bed with Caspian and got out two small towels and a large blanket. Wren laid the blanket down on their bed with two large pillows at the top. The fairy checked the ice in front of the fire, saw that it was melted, and the water was warm. Wren picked it up and placed it on the bedside table, then took the vial of oil and placed it inside to warm. He took out a few candles and lit them around the room, giving the walls a faint orange glow. The fairy sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for Caspian to return. After a few minutes, he heard the water turn off, the fairy stood and waited in anticipation. The door opened, and a puff of steam came out from the doors. A towel hung low on Caspian's hips, and his hair was framed around his face. Scales littered his body as water still clung to his skin. Wren walked over to where Caspian was standing and moved his hair from his face.

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