Chapter 15 - Study

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Arabella's POV:

I promised Davina and Theo I would study with them in the library. I was quite excited to go, I need to catch up with them before we actually study. I grabbed my books and headed to our meeting spot. Once I arrived I began searching for them, that's when I noticed the clock. It said it was 4 pm, but we agreed to meet at 5 pm. Oh, bloody hell I can't actually be this early! I guess I can start studying a little now. I sat down in one of the chairs and opened my book.

"I'm failing potions, wanna help?" I look up and see Fred looking down at me, "No. Leave." He ignored me completely and sat in the chair next to me. "Cmon, I'll give you a little kiss?" I looked at him in disbelief, "You truly are a horrendous fool. Anyways, why should I help you?"

He grinned, "I know you suck at Herbology, and since I'm in the same Herbology class as you I know we have to do an essay. This essay has to be about everything that we learned this week, so if I do your essay you can do my potions. Oh, and in my essay, you have to talk about the Draught of Peace. So Deal?"

I suddenly became interested, "Fine, let's start now." He nodded, "Bossy, I like it." He pushed a paper towards my side of the table, so I gave him my paper. "Good luck, Freddie." He winked at me and said, "Good look too, Ara."

About half an hour later I was done. I noticed how he was actually focused, he looked at nothing but the paper he was writing on. It took him about five more minutes to complete his part of the deal. "Done!" He looked at me with a proud smile, and I couldn't help but smile too. I got lost in his eyes for a second, but soon I remembered what happened yesterday. I grabbed the paper out of his hands and lazily threw it in front of him. 

"Why are you mad at me?" I looked at him in disbelief, "When am I not?" He came closer, I didn't like that. "You're madder than usual. Tell me, why?"

I sarcastically smiled, "Oh, I don't know, maybe it's because you said" I then imitated his tone of voice, "didn't mommy ever teach you good manners." Realization hit his face like a slap on the face, "I forgot... I'm sorry." I know I'm supposed to be mad at him but for some reason, I believe him. "I forgive you."

He looked at me dumbfounded, I guess he was also not expecting me to just simply forgive him. He smiled a soft contagious smile, it took me all my strength not to smile back but apparently, I was unsuccessful in holding a straight face.

I realized the situation and quickly said, "This doesn't change anything. You know, like our friendship, I still very much hate you." He smirked, "Not for long. No one can resist the charm of a Weasley." I chuckled and shook my head lightly. "Bye Freddie."

He came really close and whispered in my ear, "Bye Ara." Without notice, he gave me a small kiss on the cheek. WHAT THE FUCK. I looked at him but he had already left. OK, WHY AM I FREAKING OUT RIGHT NOW? IT WAS JUST A LITTLE KISS ON THE CHEEK, LIKE CASUAL FRIENDS GREETING EACH OTHER. BUT WHY AM I FREAKING OUT! 

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