Chapter 47 - Issues

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Arabella's POV:

I stared at him in pure shock. I didn't know how to react, I was sad, confused, I missed him but at the same time, I was angry at him since he saw my friends first. I had no idea what to do. I looked at him, but he was also staring back waiting for me to do something.

He looked confused with no idea what to do, like father like daughter... So I decided to do something.

I hugged him. I don't know why but I did. 

He stood still for a second but later he wrapped his arms around me. It was an awkward yet welcoming hug.

"You changed so much..." He whispered.

I laughed a little, "Yes well I'm not a child anymore." He playfully smiled, "Debatable."

Suddenly he wiped his eyes quickly, "You're crying..." I acknowledged his tears.

He nodded, "I missed you a lot... My own daughter is so grown up now."

I patted his shoulders awkwardly, "I missed you too dad."

He looked around for a second, "I wish we could talk more but I have to go, it's not safe for me here. I'm a wanted man, and a disowned one. Bellatrix and the Malfoys won't think twice about killing me."

I nodded, "I understand... But can we take somewhere else then?" 

He smiled, "I'm glad you asked. We can talk in the burrow, I'll be there for the next couple of days, but I understand you have school?"

I thought for a second, "I'll go now then. I'll see you there."

Before he had time to say something I hugged him.

"See you there little one," He said.

I let go of the hug and we walked our separate ways.

I rushed to pack my bags. I grabbed my Hogwarts trunk and went downstairs quietly. Once I walked into the living room I saw something.

Our bookshelf was now open, leading into a secret path downstairs. What the actual fuck. Curiosity took over me as I walked down the old stairs.

The secret passage led me to a strange room. It was small and dark. The walls were a type of black rock, and the floor was the same.

Around the room were tons of books and cabinets. There was one desk, and on top of it was a stack of papers.

Holy shit. They were all about activities that are covering for Malfoy's illegal actions. They also talked about death eaters? Like fucking Voldemort and shit???

I heard footsteps coming downstairs. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. I quickly looked for a place to hide.

"Arabella what are you doing!?!?" Lucius' voice echoed through the mysterious room.

"I got lost? Sorry I'll leave..." I tried to excuse myself.

I was almost reaching the stairs when he grabbed my arm.

"You insolent girl, you saw the papers didn't you?"

I stared at him, "No."

He gritted his teeth, "Liar."

He raised his arm to slap me but I raised mine to protect myself.

Which led him to slap my arm instead of my face. 


I froze as he reached for his cane. "You can't-'' 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2021 ⏰

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