Chapter 2

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Doctor Eggman was beginning to have a headache.

"So how do you feel?" "I haven't really done anything yet, so just hold on a bit."

Was this what she had been referring to?

The doctor shook his head fiercely. Nevermind that. For now, he had to get to the teacher's lounge.

Entering the lounge, Eggman found Ms. Vanilla, Charmy Bee, and the newest faculty member sitting at the oblong wooden table in the middle of the room. Well, Charmy was far too hyper to be sitting down, so he was bobbing up and down in the air between his rabbit and echidna co-workers.

The newest of them was of course Doctor Finitevus. He was holding a can of Chaos Cola in one hand as he gestured here and there with the other. Ms. Vanilla, who he was speaking too apparently, was just sat there nodding politely, a stack of worksheets piled on the tabletop beside her.

"I'm so excited to be working with you both," the scientist was saying.

Upon Eggman entering the room, Finitevus set down his soda can and stood up from his chair, bowing slightly with his hand over his heart. "Doctor Eggman," he greeted him somewhat warmly, causing Eggman to wonder if he truly was excited to make his acquaintance. "I heard you were also a teacher here. I'm glad the rumors are true."

Eggman let out a breath of air and tried to smile. "Yes, I was also able to teach here despite the students knowing quite well what a dangerous person I am." 

"I prefer the term... Intrusive. I aim to cut a little into them is all. Apparently that's not entirely socially acceptable." Doctor Finitevus chuckled into his soda can as he said this.

Eggman spared a glance at Ms. Vanilla as if to say "hi" and then laughed, completely ignoring the creepy scientist's disturbing joke about dissecting students. "How did it happen for you?"

"A little bit of Honest, a little bit of Mephiles," Doc Fin told him, sitting back down in his chair. Eggman sat at the table as well and Finitevus rolled a can of CC his way. Charmy couldn't seem to care less about what their newest co-worker was about to say as he went to get something out of the snack machine. That's rude. Something a child would definitely do. Why was he a teacher again? The Doctor cracked open his Chaos Cola and sipped from it in thought.

Finitevus held a part of his weird cloak-thingy in front of his face like some sort of cartoon vampire. "So there I was, stuck in a never-ending void of nothingness... and that's where I first saw her..."


The first sound I had heard in a long time resounded from the intruder's mouth. It was a gasp. "The famed psychaotologist Doctor Finitevus! I've finally gotten through to you."

My first thought, I'm ashamed to admit, was "who is this belligerent psycho that has burst into my room shouting nonsense at such a ridiculous hour?" Then I realized time hadn't been passing the whole time. Who could know what hour it was? And that in and out of itself was something ridiculous. Immediately I assumed that whoever this character was, they were the cause of all of my problems. It took the intruder, our dear friend Honest, a great deal of time to convince me everything was okay. And it was. Time freezing had no adverse effect on anything...


Time freezing.

That's what time had seemed to do minutes ago back in the classroom.

However, Eggman had no idea what Finitevus was describing right now. A never-ending void of nothingness? Was this guy a real mad scientist? At least Doctor Eggman never went into illogical tangents like this.

Scrambled -- An Honesty is the Best Policy Story w/ EggmanWhere stories live. Discover now