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I stood staring at the real estates window.
There was a small house with two bedrooms and one bathroom. It was a little bit out of my price range.
There was lots of small flats which caught my eye.
Meanwhile, Thomas was going on about the local clubs and telling me about how we should go out when you've moved out because my dad won't be spying on me anymore.

"And if my drink gets spiked?" I asked.

"I'll kill em'" he tried to sound tough, making his shoulders wider and flexing his muscles.

I began to giggle "yes. Okay then, Thomas."

"You don't believe me do you?"

"I don't believe a lot of things, Thomas. One thing I don't believe is you're in a film." I giggled.

"Honestly, its true." He laughed.

"I want proof!" I punched him.

"I'll give you proof!" He laughed.

"Do you wanna come with me to pick my little house?" I walked to the entrance.

"Are you getting it today?" He asked, slightly worried.

"Of course not! But I want to arrange to look around them, I want to be out of my parents home as soon as possible!"

Thomas followed me in and we were seated with a woman in about early her 40's.

"So" She began "are you too looking for a house together?"

Thomas laughed and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Yes we are, aren't we babe?" He looked at me making me laughed.

"No!" I said, pushing his hand off my shoulder. "He's just a friend."
I glared at him which made him laugh more. "I want a small flat for myself. I've lived with my parents for too long, I need to escape now."

"I think I know exactly what you need!" The woman pulled out pictures of small apartment buildings and images of flats.

We spent hours looking at them, Thomas making funny jokes about the cute little rooms that made a house.
In the end I asked to look around three of them.

Soon the sun went down and I was sad to get into my car and drive away from a waving Thomas. All I could think about was the day was perfect, I desperately wanted more.

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