
Spoiler alert: I won't be blonde anymore ~

I posted the picture and shut my phone. You said you'd dye my hair since I've had blonde for over a year. Had you thought maybe I didn't want to change my hair color? Of course, you didn't, but I wasn't upset maybe I'd look good with a new hair color. 

Jisoo unnie and Jennie unnie were all busy showing us the rooms and where everything was located. You seemed so interested in everything Jisoo unnie had to say. I didn't pay much mind because I knew I couldn't. You seemed so happy laughing with everyone else and I just sat here watching because even if we're all friends I felt as if I didn't belong.

Had your love for me run out? Have I not been good enough for you? I didn't know the answer to either of those questions but all I knew was that I tried to be perfect for you. You just didn't seem to need me.

"Okay guys, let's get going. It's the last day we don't want to be late" Jisoo unnie said as we all made our way out of the place and into her car. Jennie unnie seemed to be on her phone while you just talked to Jisoo unnie the whole time once again holding my hand. I wanted to pull away because what was the point of holding something that you can barely keep? 

"I still can't believe you're going to College unnie" you exclaimed causing Jisoo unnie to snicker.

"Why? Do you think I'm too dumb to go to college?" Jisoo unnie teased making you pout.

"Of course not! I'm just saying we're going to be all alone next year without our favorite unnie" you said making Jisoo unnie laugh. Jennie unnie seemed less interested in the conversation than I was. But I couldn't muster a word to her, maybe because I was still scared she knew.

We finally parked in the parking lot of the school and walked into the building, Jisoo unnie was getting a lot of flowers and chocolates as if it were Valentine's Day. Jisoo unnie laughed saying it was their way of saying goodbye since it was her last year at the school. But everyone grew more confused as we were stacked with flowers and chocolate.

"It's for the summer! Who knows if one of you might transfer" someone said as they handed me a bouquet. I smiled, it was sweet and thoughtful. Jennie unnie seemed a bit bothered mostly because everyone who had handed her flowers or chocolates ended up asking her out.

"Why reject everyone? Are you saving yourself for someone special?" You teased Jennie causing her to suddenly stare at me. I looked away from embarrassment, my cheeks growing pink. You didn't seem to notice the small interaction though relieved I somehow wished you did.

“Lili!” I heard someone shout my nickname so I turn around and was met with Minnie pulling me into a giant hug. She had come from Thailand to spend her summer in South Korea, but she somehow knew where my school was so she was always there.

“Hey Chipmunk!” She said waving at you and you waved back giving her a kind smile. Though I know it won’t be enough to save me from getting hurt again, sometimes I want to run away when I think that you hurt me because I’ve done something wrong. Even if it isn’t wrong, deep inside I knew I couldn’t leave you I loved you too much for that.

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