training day Part 2 pov y/n

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as I watched mina giggle and walk away I was left with kirishima.i turned to face him.."ugh can you believe her she thinks bakugo has a crush on me like come on no way..uhh you ok kirishima"..I looked at his face he looked kinda sad.."hm ohh yeah I'm fine come on we should get going"..he snapped out of it and smiled like nothing happen.."ok then lets go"..I walked in front of kirishima I could tell something was bothering him but I had to focus oh training right now as I arrived at the training arena everyone was already doing stuff..bakugo was putting his hands in hot water to help with his explosions/shoto was practising on using both quirks at the same time...and mina was trying to con-troll her acid.."y/n".my name was call I turned to see aizawa walking up to me.."uhh hello sir".I bowed.."as you know you have only been here for 2 days and I'm not sure what your quirk is do you mind explaining it to me".aizawa said.."ohh of course my quirk is call demon I have like other body inside me her name is plasma she like a grown version of me she can be very rude and sassy sometimes but I'm learning to con-troll her.and her quirk is blood bending she can mess with peoples inside making there whole body paralysed and my quirk it fears wings and fire".."ok so your demon as it's own quirk".he asked.."yes sir"...."ok so your demon has it's own personality to and she takes over your body hm can I speak with her".aizawa asked.."uhh of course you can but she it kinda rude around new people and what ever she says is not from me.uh if she see any weakness she will attack I will be able to see everything but she will take over my body. if she seems out of hand I'll shift back ok"..I was a bit nervous about plasma attacking someone but aizawa was a pro hero and his quirk can erase any quirk he stares at so I can trust him..."ok y/n when your ready"..come on plasma please don't kill anyone shifted into demon form all the students that were training stopped to I was in full demon form.."it feels so good to be out again were are we"....."plasma correct?'.aizawa asked.."yes at least someone remembers my name".."show me what can you do" aizawa serious right now?!?"...."is that a challenge ohh I know what u want. to see my full power Hm?..ok then lets fight"... With no hesitation plasma charged forward at aizawa..using my wings at her advantage and my fire..luckily aizawa dodged some of plasmas attacks but plasma will always she stopped and glared at aizawa all I could do was watch..."your fast but not faster then me" blink of an eye plasma was be=hide aizawa holding her sharp nails at his throat.."DON'T HURT HIM".I yelled..plasma could hear me inside her my voice would eco through her head.."your lucky this time".plasma whispered to aizawa before shifting breathing was heavy and my vision was blurry I let go of aizawa neck and collapsed on the floor blacking out..the pain was horrific I forgot to take my pills again... (3 hours later) as a awoke I could see I was in my room "what happened".I said to I slowly moved out of bed and got in a sitting position my head started acting like crazy I looked up to see a glass of water and my pills I grabbed them putting them in my mouth and swallowing them...I waited a few minuets and the pain slowly went away..I could feel someones been in my room I looked at my phone to see it was around 6:00o'clock.all I could remember was me holding aizawa by the throat and nothing after..I got out of bed and walked out my door..I was feeling kind of hungry so went to find some food. as I pressed the elevator number and waiting for it to arrive at the first floor I could hear people I exited the elevator I hid around a corner of a wall and peeked my head to see if anyone was there and I was right..mina kiri bakugo and shoto were all sitting down at the lounge talking..I put my ear on the wall so it could eco what they were saying.."hey how's y/n going do you think we should go check up on her?".kiri said.."well I checked her a few hours ago and she was still sleeping".mina said.."still can you believe she tried to kill aizawa".."BUT SHE DID'NT DANG ICY HOT JUST SHUT UP SHE TRYING HARD TO DEAL WITH HER STUPID DEMON AND BESIDES AIZAWA THE ONE THAT MADE PLASMA SO PISSED"..bakugo yelled..shoto was right tho I did try to kill aizawa..."bakugo carlm down man she didn't hurt anyone and your right she trying very hard to control plasma and we will help her no matter what!"....."YEAH y/n like the best girl ever and not to be weird or anything but I think plasma is pretty cool like come on she has tattoos for crying out loud"..I smiled I really thought they were going to call plasma a monster and never talk to me again but they didn't means there true friends...I walked out from behind the wall with tears in my eye happy one .."Y/N YOUR AWAKE".mina yelled running up to me.."why your crying you ok".kiri said.."no no I'm just happy that's all"..I smiled.."hey demon girl".bakugo said from the couch.."yes bakugo".I looked over.."you look nice in my jumper"..he said..I looked down to see a long black with a skull printed on it jumper on me that went all the way down to my knees....I blushed a bit before giving him smirk....I walked with kiri and mina back to the couch and sat with them.."hah sorry about earlier guys".I lowered my head.."hey hey no need to apologise this is none of your fault beside aizawa's the one to blame he pushed you to hard".mina said giving me a hot coco.." thx no aizawa was right tho I need to learn to control plasma I can't really remember what happened".I said sipping my hot coco."ohh really well after you some how shifted out of demon form you collapsed bakugo and I rushed over to see if you were ok and mina checked on aizawa he only had a few scratches that's all." so bakugo and i took you to recovery girl and when we got the clear to take you back to your dorm you were still asleep so bakugo picked you up and brought you to your room."we stayed with you for awhile but we didn't want to scare you if you woke up to see all us there.."so we left and took turns checking up on you and now were here"..kiri said smiling at me..."hah wow bakugo did a lot of carrying didn't he"..I blushed trying to hide it.."ugh what ever I'm going to bed night".bakugo said walking away.."wait bakugo hold up".I ran to him.."here your jumper"..I started taking it off.."nah it's fine beside your not wearing anything under it so you can give it to me later".he said giving me a smirk before walking in the elevator..I stared at him how did he know I wasn't wearing anything under.HOW DID'NT I KNOW!?!?....I settled myself down and walked back to the couch and sat next to mina...a few hours passed and it was now 9 o'clock so I said good night to shoto kiri and mina and began walking to my room...tomorrow I would have to apologise to aizawa about plasma if she the one that was going to stop me from being a hero what that night I made a promise to myself if plasma hurt anyone in my class I was going to drop out of UA and stoping trying to become a hero and live with my mum like a normal kid..I laid in my bed and drifted off to sleep(next day) I was sitting at my desk i saw aizawa enter the room and look over at me.."y/n l/n please came to my office after class".he said in a deep tone.."yes sir".I said in a low voice..was I in trouble well plasma did try to kill him...what happens if kicks me off the class or get hart was about to jump out of my chest..before I new it class finished and aizawa walked out the room..I grabbed my bag and started heading to his office.."hey demon girl".bakugo voice yelled..I slowly turned to face him walking up to me.."uhh my jumper".he said looking at me ..I FORGOT HIS JUMPER!.."uhh umm I kinda left it in my room IM REALLY SORRY I WAS JUST UP ALL NIGHT THINKING ABOUT TODAY AND I FORGOT IT I PROMISE TO GIVE IT BACK TO YOU AFTER SCHOOL OK RIGHT NOW I REALLY HAVE TO GO SO BYE".I yelled turning around and fast walking away from him like an idiot..after a while of walking I reached aizawa office and walked in shutting the door and turning to face him.."take a seat y/n".he said..I sat down holding my bag on my lap and looking at him.."I guess I'm here about yesterday huh".I said.."yes and about something else.".first yesterday was my fault I pushed plasma to much making it seem like I was challenging her I'm sorry... "Second do you know how to control plasma y/n because what I saw was no connection with her at all making her take over your body like that was horrible to watch and I'v herd you have to take pills to keep her from hurting you correct?'.aizawa said.."yes sir it started when I was about 5 years old I was out in my back yard when all of sudden my eyes started hurting turning bright red then my nails turned black before I new it I was standing in front of my mother looking up at her..her face was something I would never forget my mother was terrified of me.she looked at me like I was some monster..she took me to the hospital and they ran some tests on me and they said I possessed my father's quirk mother new this was coming but at the age I was I had to keep it a secret from everyone..when I turned 15 the pain started. it was like my body was getting ripped apart slowly and painfully then mother gave me the pills to take every day to keep plasma worked but if I forgot to take them the pain would come back..then it got harder when plasma started talking to me she was able to to talk with me even if I was in my normal form I was the only one that could hear plasma's voice if I wanted anyone else to hear her I would have to be in my demon form..plasma treated me like a second mother she was very protective over me she wouldn't let anyone near me..then in hight school everyone some how found about my demon quirk and I started to get bullied bad I would get called bad names boys would come up to me a beat me u for no reason then when I finally had enough I almost killed them that's when I new plasma was taking over my body and I couldn't control mum took me out of school hiding me away from the world then.. when she found out there was a school that might be able to help me with plasma I signed up and now I'm here."..I told aizawa my whole life just not the part when my dad left and never came home..."I understand what your going through and I will try my best to help you but..for now you need to some how talk with plasma and tell her where not the bad for now I want you to keep your distance from everyone till you can control plasma means you will not come to my classes or training with everyone in a group I want you to sit in your room and try and talk with her when you think you have mastered her power you will be able to join maybe ill get shinso to give you your homework to do. and your schedule on when you're allowed to come out here I'll read it to you now.."9 o'clock dinner..8'clock shower.."then 10o'clock this is all at pm you can still train on your wings and fire but alone only and for the dinner and shower part that will only happen when everyone is in bed understand."aizawa gave me the paper.."yes sir I'll try to resign with plasma and make her my equal I promise".I thanked aizawa and walked out of the office..and straight to my dorm but to get here I have to walk pass the cafeteria means mina kiri and everyone else would see me.. As I approached the cafeteria I saw mina kiri and bakugo sitting at a table talking..I hid my face with my bag and got close and close to the door..just before I walked out I glanced over at them just to see bakugo looking straight at me I quickly turned my face darting out the I walked into the dorm building I went into the kitchen and grabbed as much food as I needed as I would be staying in my room for who knows how long..I grabbed some meals chips water fruit and started heading to my room..when I made it I put my food in a big container that I had and put it in stashing is under my bed..I got dressed in a comfy outfit when I looked over to see bakugo's jumper folded on my bed.."shoot I better give that back".but I wasn't allowed to see anyone till plasma was controlled..I walked out of my room and ran to bakugo's dorm stopping at his door I neatly folded the jumper and laid it down next to his door..before darting back to my room and locking the door...I flopped on my bed I hated the idea of staying in my room but if plasma hurt someone I would never forgive myself so I new this was the best idea to help me with as I sat on my bed with my legs folded I wanted to try to communicate with plasma.."hey plasma can we have a talk".I said out loud..."what do you want to talk about".her dark voice said.."it's about you plasma if I want to be a hero I can't have you hurting the people that are close to me".."ohh I see you want to be a hero but you can't till I'm under control yes?".she said.."yes that's right I know you herd what the teacher said about you huh I'm not calling you a monster but I want to be apart of you plasma if you'll let me we can be equals together"..plasma was very smart she could tell if I was lying or not..."if you want to be equal with me you have to master my full power..but your to young if you and I were equals you wouldn't be able to shift back into your normal form you would have to be stuck in demon form till I can fully trust you to take my full full power could end up killing you and me along with it so no I'm not going to be equals with you"..her dark voice faded.."dang it ok then how can I take your full power without kill myself"..."you need to get stronger y/n your still to weak you have to train and break your body for it to grow back stronger then when the time come's I'll give you my power"..she was testing me she new I was weak all this time and never said anything..before I could say anything else a knock was herd..I opened my eyes staring at the door.."uhh who is it".I yelled.."ohh it's me mina ashido your bff I missed you so much"..bakugo voice was heard pretending to be Mina as I joke.."haha very funny bakugo want do you want I gave back your jumper"..I walked to the door not opening it.."yeh I know I just wanted to see if your coming to training today".he said.."uhh no I'm not going to be coming out for awhile".I said.."WHAT! WHY!".he yelled.."ohh I just got umm in trouble about yesterday but I'm fine really".."ugh it wasn't even your fault stupid aizawa pushed you to hard..hey can you just open the door already".he tried opening it.."uhh no umm I can't because I'm NAKEND!".I yelled in shock.."uhh ok then I'm gonna go see you after school".bakugo said before walking off.."WHY THE HELL DID I SAY THAT!!!"..I dropped to the floor in embarrassment.."hah your so stupid".plasma voice was herd.."shut up plasma this has nothing to do with you..I walked out to my balcony and sat on the railing watching all the students go in the training arena.of cause it was to far away so there couldn't see me.."uhh plasma we have a long ways to go".I said to myself..if I was still to weak for plasma's full power how can I call myself a hero...{3 hours later}I was still in my room of course I had to wait till it got to 10pm so I could go train..I still had 4 hours to go.."uhhh I hate it in here"..I yelled.."ohh stop acting like a baby this is safer for your friends beside that pink freak was so annoying".plasma said.. "hey she is not she way better then my fake friends at the last School that you almost killed"..I huffed out in frustration.."well your about to hear her annoying voice".plasma said.."what do you mean.."..then there was a knock at my door...plasma must've herd her coming down the hall.."HEY Y/N YOU IN THERE".mina seemed like she was alone..I walked to the door.."ohh hey mina yeh I'm here what's up".."ohh good I kinda got worried we didn't see you at training today is everything ok".she asked..I had to think of a lie and quick.."uhh ohh I'm just not feeling well yeh that's it aizawa gave me some days off so I can get better".."ohh ok uhh can I come in".mina said.."UHH NO YOU CAN'T UMM I DON'T WANT TO GET YOU SICK EITHER SO IT'S BEST IF YOU STAY AWAY FROM ME TILL IM BETTER K OHH ALSO CAN YOU TELL BAKUGO AND KIRISHIMA TO CASE THEY ASK"..I yelled.."uhh ok then see you at dinner then"..mina said walking back down the hall.."your lie's are gonna get old y/n there going to find out sooner or later"..plasma voice said.."yeah yeah I know ok what else am i supposed to say..the sooner I can master you the sooner I can hang out with them got it".I yelled...I grabbed a bag of chips from under my bed and had some of those for lunch then around 8:30pm I was allowed I put on a black jumper and some long black if I see anyone outside I could try and hide in the was a bit risky to use the elevator to go down stairs and I don't think the students are asleep yet so I used the balcony as my advantage to get out without being seen...I stood on the railing and admired the view of the city before leaning forward and falling off the railing..before I hit the ground I shot my wings out catching me then I slowly put myself on the ground and walked to the training I walked passed a window and had a peek inside I saw everyone around the table eating dinner they were smiling and laughing..I smiled before snapping back into reality and walking to the area.iv only be here for a week now I was a threat to everyone of my class I walked to the training arena and turned the lights on.i began to started warning up my body it was pretty cold so I had to make sure my body was warm so I don't pull any muscle's...I took my jumper off and began warming up my wings flapping them up and down..kicking up dust as I'm doing it..then I started using my fire to really warm up my body..I practised on my flexibility and speed using my wings to help move around quicker than a blink of an eye..and using my fire to help as well there was this new move I learnt from bakugo he called in AP shot he could use his explosions to aim is fire at he opponents directly where he wanted I put my hands together and shot my fire out..and it worked first try I was amazed..."YES THAT FELT AMAZING".I yelled.."so your copying me huh".bakugo voice was eyes winded.ohh no he found me..I slowly turned to face him walking up to me.."UHH HOW DID YOU FIND ME".I yelled...well I wanted to go for a walk after dinner and saw the lights on in here so I thought that stupid deku was in here but it was you instead"..he said stopping a few steps away from me.."WELL NOW YOU KNOW SO CAN YOU PLEASE GO I NEED TO KEEP TRAINING"..I yelled in a awkward kind of way.."why are you training at night when you could've trained with us"..he asked.."uhh because I train way better at night then in day".. I turned away from him.."keep lying y/n"plasma voice said..."your hiding something aren't you I sent mina to go check up on you but she said you were sick and you would be skipping training and classes till you got better so then why are you out here WHEN YOU SHOULD BE RESTING!".he yelled.."what ever comes out of your mouth right now better be true".he said...there was no way out of this bakugo was to smart dang it I should've waited till they all went to bed..."so what the choices y/n you going to lie again or tell him the truth".plasma asked..I had to tell me I couldn't think of another lie.."ok then you want the truth hold your hand up like this"..I said with my back still turned to him..I held my right hand up so did bakugo.."what ever happens try not to yell ok"..I said..before he could say anything I shot my wings out turning around and grabbing his hand pulling him into the sky..I held on to his right hand flying back to my room..."Y/N WHAT'S HAPPENING".he yelled..I didn't answer..when we reached my room I flew straight in and throwing him on my bed..I landed and closed the door shutting all the curtains..I put my wings away and turned to look at bakugo's shock ness the last curtain was shut I walked over to my bed siting on it with my feet on the floor and my hands on my lap.."so I guess you want to know everything"..I said..bakugo shuffled over siting next to me.."yes I do I know you'v only known me for like a week but I know you would Never acted like this so I need you to tell me what's going on why are you pushing us away did we do something did..I do something..."no no it's not you guys it'"..I put my hand on bakugo's lap..I told bakugo everything about plasma and aizawa and my life back when I was in high school.."so now you know why I have to stay away till plasma is fixed and I don't know how long that's going to last but.."tears started forming in my eyes.."I just want to be a hero ok I never asked for any of this to happen I just want to be like my mum and if plasma's the one who's going to stop that I don't know what to do"..tears started rolling down my cheek...."hey it's ok we know your trying hard to be a hero...i you know what I'm gonna help you".bakugo said putting his hand on my lap.."w..what?"...I wiped my tears away looking up at him.."I'm gonna help you I know I can be a pain in the ass sometimes but....I help you because I know you would do that same for me and the others so you better say yes or I'm gonna.."I raped my arms around bakugo pulling him into a tight hug.."thank you bakugo your the best...but if aizawa finds out we could get in deep trouble".I let go of him.."no we won't because I wont tell anyone else ok not kiri or mina no one"..bakugo showed a light smile.."ok only if your sure"..I smiled..." Positive" I looked into hid deep red eye I felt like I had butterflies in my stomach and I could feel a blush going across my face.."uhh ok so what now"..I said looking away.."well it's kinda late so I'm gonna head back to my room ill come back tomorrow after school and we'll go from there"..he said going to the door.."ok just make sure no one see you ok night"..I sat on my bed watching him walk out.."hmm looks like someone has a crush"..plasma's voice was herd.."pff yeah right bakugo and I are just friends get that through your head"..I laid back on my bed..I wonder how bakugo's going to help me?...

I hope you all are enjoying this story so far plz if you have any suggestions I should add in part 3 plz tell my in the comments..


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