y/n x pro hero Part 4

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it was around 6 o'clock when we arrived at hawks agency. to my surprise it was pretty far away from AU it was going to be pretty hard to see mina kiri or bakugo on how far it was.."hey you ready kid your dorm should be on level 4 the number on your door is 17 i'l help you with your bags".hawks said getting out of the car I nodded and grabbed my backpack and got out of the car..I walked with hawks into the building it was hug bigger then UA but I didn't see much students maybe they were already in bed.."you good y/n you look kinda tensed".hawks said walking in-front of me.."ohh sorry hawks I'm just a bit nervous thats all".I said fast walking next to him.."hey no need to be nervous mini me I don't bite and I don't want you calling me hawks anymore call me keigo your mum always called me hawks".he said.."ohh ok were you and my mum close?".I said.."well yes we were your mum wanted to partner up with me I was surprised on how young she was like in her early 20 I think. your mum was amazing she was a fast learner and her wings wow they were beautiful they were white as snow and would shine in the moon light we were a great team your mum and I but all friendships must come to an end".he said.."what happened?".I asked.."well your mum fell pregnant with you I never met your farther so your mum dropped out of being a hero for a few mouths. "when I herd you were born I wanted to come visit your mother and so I did I few mouths later I finally got the courage to come to your House and see you."you were beautiful you were around 4 mouths old when your mum told me your farther left I was a bit shocked your mother was alone with a child so that day on I would visit your mum and help her with you and the house but man when you started walking wow." there was this one time I took my eyes off you for a second and you were gone and you know were I found you?".he said.."ohh no were".I said.."hiding under your mothers bed".keigo giggled..I laughed I never new kegio helped my mother when I was a baby but why wasn't he around when I got older.."umm kegio why weren't you around when I was older".I asked looking at him.."ohh well one day you were like 3 you started to call me dad and your mother was a bit concerned I was to I didn't want to be around a child that wasn't mine so when you turned 4 I left and didn't come visit after that it broke my hart but if your father did come back your mother would be the one to blame"he said lowering his head.."ohh I'm sorry but my farther never came back it was just me and my mum I did see a photo of you with my mum in her room she would tell me amazing stories about you on how you save 100 people when you were just 8 years old hah yeah mum was kinda a fan girl".I smiled.."REALLY! wow I never new that I should go visit her soon it's been like 7 years since I last saw her but I was so happy when I herd you join UA so I talked with aizawa to see if I could teach you and he said yes so now were here".kegio smiled at me.."yeah you should go see her and maybe get together she is only 36 you know and your what 37 right?"I smirked.."wow how did you know".he looked in shock."ohh your birthday is on our calendar at home hah"..."well I'll try if it's ok with you".he smirked.."you have my full permission to date my mum".I giggled so did he..when we finally arrived at my dorm and open the door I was shocked "IT'S HUG! OMG".I yelled.."hah yeah some of these rooms are pretty big".he said..it had everything shower kitchen TV even a huge bed it was better then UA no joke.."well training starts at 6 tomorrow so meet me out the front of the building k then we'll go from there" kegio said.."ohh yeah ok sure thing see you then" I said sitting on my bed.. he smiled a shut the door.."wow I remember hawks he treated you like a father sad he had to leave".plasma voice was herd.."yeah it was but that's In the past now and besides if he's actually going to get together with my mum I would love that my mum sit at home all day and works only at night she needs some Company maybe this weekend I'll go visit her and bring hawks with me".I said laying back on my bed..I haven't had anytime to call my mother with all this going on maybe this weekend I'll get to go home...... (next morning) I ate my breakfast and began walking out of the building I was wearing my training uniform from class 1A they let me keep it as I was still aizawa's student....as I walked out I saw kegio standing there waiting for me I fast walked over.was I training alone I didn't see any other students.."morning sir".I said bowing my head.."wow wow what's with that why you bowing dose aizawa really make you bow at him every-time you see him"he asked.."uhh no my mum told me it was polite to respect people".I said lifting my head.."well no need for that mini me you are my only student anyway so I want you to feel comfortable around me"he said.."ohh ok sorry umm what are we learning today".I asked.."well I have a filed be-hide the building were going to train there for the day it's good to get some fresh air while your training.."as we started walking there we talked about my wings and new moves I could use.."umm what colour are your wings by the way are they white like your mums?".kegio asked.."umm no there black".I looked up to see his shock face."is that bad".I asked..."uhh no it's just I didn't know wings could go black I was shocked to see white wings but black that's rare".he said..when we arrived and the field it was pretty big nice green grass and it was hidden be-hide the building.."ok so when your ready show me your wings"kegio said crossing his arms....I took my jacket off only wearing a black singlet under it..."wait you don't wings".hawks said.."uhh yeah I do see".I shot my wings out of my back they looked very dark in the sunlight they would even shine when the sun hit them..I turned to see kegio's stunned face looking at me.."uhh are you ok kegio?"I asked watching him walk over to me..."your wings are inside you how that's possible it's like magic".he said touching them.."can you open them for me I want to see how big they are".he said..I open my wings spreading them out as much as I could.."nice wow there almost bigger then mine".he said spreading his wings out my were a little shorter then his but Im still young.."wow kid you have a-lot of surprises when I first saw you in aizawa office I thought your wings were under your uniform like they could shrink or something but I was wrong there inside you lucky girl this would be your farther quirk correct?".."uhh no it my mother's my father's quirk was this"..I shifted into demon form my hair turning white as snow and my eyes glow a bright red.."see it's me y/n"..I said in a dark tone.."w..what h..happened to you".he said backing up..I shifted out of demon form looking at him confused didn't he know about plasma maybe aizawa forgot to tell him or something..."kegio it's ok thats plasma didn't aizawa tell you about her".I said walking up to him.."n..no he didn't tell me about her"..he said in a shaken up voice.."hey it's ok she won't hurt you besides I through you new about plasma before you met me"..I said.."y..yeah I new about some demon quirk your farther had but I never seen it."how many quirks do you have".he asked.."uhh 3 fire wings and blood bending".I said.."hmm ok so the fire and wings are your mothers quirk and your farther only has the blood bending".he asked.."yes that's right"..."wow your mother never told me much about your quirks y/n your going to be an amazing hero".hawks said showing a big smile...from that day on I would train my butt off with kegio from 6am to 5pm we would train on my wings fire even blood bending over and over again..I learnt new moves with my wings. my favourite move was called feather save..i could separate my feathers from my wings to use them to save people or use two of my big feathers as a swords..and plasma was improving to kegio wanted to see if I could use my blood bending by just staring at someone it took over 2 mouths to get it right I would get headaches and pain now and again by I pushed through it ...I never really herd from bakugo or the other's.mina and kiri would text me sometime I asked them about bakugo and how's he doing they just said his more meaner and grumpier there usual maybe he missed me I only had 1 more mouth left before that training camp thing that aizawa was putting together..kegio and I went and visited my mother a few weeks ago she was so happy to see him again and me of course we told her how my trainings going and how my quirks was getting so good that I could be a pro hero earlier then other students...I finally felt full like I could take on all might maybe I was only I few steps closer on being a hero..."hey kid you ready".kegio yelled..it was the day I would get to see class 1A again it's finally been 4 mouths it went by so fast.."coming"I yelled running down the stairs with my bags.sadly kegio was not coming and one of his side kicks was going to drive me there.."aww mini me I'm gonna miss you".he said patting my head.."same when will I see you again".I asked.."well maybe when you graduate but i'll try and make some time off to come see you".he said..tear started to form in my eyes kegio treated me like a farther i never had.."thank you hawks i love you".i said rapping my arms around him.."I love you to".he said hugging me back..i let go of him wiping my tears away.."i'll make you proud i promise.".I jumped in the car and waved as it drove off..the drive would take about 2 hours to get there this camp was kinda hidden in the woods..I got my phone out to see a message from bakugo it said..

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