bakugo x y/n part 3

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(next day still in my room).."uhh I want to go outside!"..I yelled in my pillow.."your such a baby can't believe bakugo like's you".plasma said .."he doesn't like me ok besides who come on look at me I have huge wings horns and a other body inside of me THAT TALK'S"..I yelled.."this is your fault plasma if only I could MASTER! your full power I wouldn't be here I would be outside training and hanging out with my friends uhh"..iv only been in the room for 1 day and I was already going insane last night was the most action i'v had..bakugo helping me huh I didn't think of him as a helper like the way he acts is like a mad man.."uhh ok plasma lets try This again what would happen if I took your full power right now like would I die or feel sick or weak?"..I sat up in my bed.."ugh i'v already told you YOU WOULD DIE how can't you get that in your head my power is to much for your body that's why you can only use 20% right now because I'm not giving you the rest till I know you won't die.."and how long would that take".."hmm about 1 year"..she said with a giggle at the end..'1 YEAR!!".I yelled...nope nope I'm not sitting around here for a year just for you to give me the full come on there has to be another way please tell me there is another way"..I stood near my desk waiting for her to answer.."hmm well there is another way but it involve pain and screams.."she said in her dark voice.."please don't tell me I have to kill someone"..I stared.."no the pain and screams will be coming from you"her dark voice said.."w..what me why".I asked.."well if your that desperate to see your friends and get back on track with training This is the only way".."but how will we do it..I asked sitting down.."it's going to happened tonight in the training arena all you have to do is let me take over your body while I'm in demon form I will transfer some on my blood bending to you it's going to hurt like hell but this is the only quickest way"..."how much are you going to give me".."well I'll keep track of your hart beats so I'll know if I go to far your hart will start to slow down so I'll try and give you all of it but I'll start with 50%..but when I start I can't stop till it's done understand y/n"..she said.."I understand lets do this"...a few hours passed and it was around 5o'clock I herd a knock at my door expecting it to be I walk to the door and stood near it.."ohh hello?"..I said.."uhh hello it's shinso I have your umm home work from yesterday and and today"..I boy's voice was herd..I have herd of shinso but I have never met him I don't even know what he looks I open the door to see a young boy with purple hair his eyes looked like he hasn't slept in days.."uhh ohh thanks it's nice to meet you I'm y/n l/n you must be shinso right?".I asked grabbing my home work.."ohh your a girl?".he stared.."uhh sorry I didn't know a girl joined class 1A well it's nice to meet you and yes I'm shinso I'm with class 1B kinda I guess but yeah. I might see more of you I herd your class is going on a field trip in a month or so." so is our class so I might get to see your quirk".he smile." well it was nice meeting you see you around"..shinso smiled and began walking back down the hall.."uhh yeah see you".I yelled.."I field trip huh that should be fun".plasma voice was herd.."yeah I guess it's it a month so I still have time"..before I shut my door someone grabbed it a yanked It open again..I looked up to see bakugo standing at the door way.."WHAT WHY ARE YOU HERE".I yelled running to the door and pulling him in so no one could see I slammed the door shut and locked it. then turned to see bakugo on my bed making himself all comfy.."uhh first hello second why are you here".I said walking over to the bed.."ohh hi and I'm here to help you with plasma why did you forget".he said laying back down on my bed.."uhh no I didn't forget and your not doing much helping are you".I stood there crossing my arms.."yeah yeah but you said plasma is more Active at night so lets wait till then"..he said.."ugh I was lying ok sorry I just didn't want you to be involved with all this I'm still very dangerous your not even supposed to be here I'm in lockdown for I don't know how long but today was so hard I was like about to go insane like no joke plasma just kept talking and driving me crazy!"..I flopped on my bed in anger.."umm well today was pretty boring stupid deku broke his finger again kirishima's hair was down which looked pretty cool and mina won't shut up about you and how you are and shit".bakugo said sitting back up..."well she misses me I do to I miss all of you guys even tho it's only been one day but plasma has been ok I guess I haven't had any pain and she's been ok for now but she told me something that might help me get out of this lock down shit".I got back up and stood in front of bakugo.."ok what?".he asked.."she said tonight she going to give me her full power".."wait really?"..yes but the down part is it's going to be very pain full like full on pain worse then the one I have to keep track of "..."wait really isn't that too risky like worse then the one you have could kill you".he said sitting up.."I guess but she said this is the only way I can be back on track beside's the whole school's going on a trip or something and I want to be apart of that".."where did your here about that".he asked raising one eyebrow.."uhh from shinso".."WHAT WHEN THE HELL HAS THAT CREEP SEEN YOU".he yelled.."shhh be quiet if some one hear's you in my room there get sus and beside he's the one who gives me my home work".."ugh what ever come on lets go it 8 you have training at 10 right so lets get there a bit earlier".bakugo said walking to the door,.."uhh I don't go out the door I jump off my balcony and fly there its way quicker".I said walking to the balcony door.."ugh fine I'll meet you there just don't start without me got it"..I turned .."ok pretty boy"..I said falling off the balcony and shooting my wings felt so good to stretch my wings again...when I arrived at the training arena I saw some people leaving as I got closer it was mina and kirishima..I quickly hid in a tree and watched them go past.."hey do you think we should pop by y/n room just to say hi".mina said.."mina no were not allowed she sick remember beside I miss her more then you I just don't want to get sick that's all".kirishima I watch them walk further and further away I ran in the training arena doors shutting them be-hide me.."few that was close".I said to I started stretching and warming my body bakugo was taking his time.."do you think he's talking with kirishima and mina".I said waiting for plasma to respond.."I guess but we should start before it get's to late".she said..I wanted to wait till bakugo got here but I also wanted to get this done and over with.."ok lets go"..I walked to the middle of the arena and stood there.."ok umm what now"..I said..."just relax take deep breath I'll try and get this over quickly"..plasma said..I closed my eyes and took deep breath in and out letting her take over my body like I was going into demon form...then I my eyes shot open showing my bright red eyes..I fell to my knees and started shaking in pain I tried not to scream biting down on my lip.the pain was so bad that I felt like knifes were being stabbed in my back over and over again...""I let out few words but didn't get an answer..what felt like ages but only a few seconds the pain stopped and I felt so weak that I fell to the ground face down..."you did well kid".plasma's voice was herd..I felt num and tired I could hardly keep my eyes open.."Y/N!!"my name was yelled..."YOU GOOD Y/N HEY LOOK AT ME".bakugo yelled rolling me over on my back..I had blood coming out of my mouth from biting my lip..I showed a small smile to show I was ok just couldn't talk..."you dumass I told you to wait for me"..he said holding me in his arm with my head on his lap.."s..sorry"".I looked away hiding my blush..I felt the same nothing seemed like it changed but I felt weaker then normal maybe because I lost some of my energy...I few minutes went by and I could talk normal now.."how do you feel".bakugo said looking down on me.."uhh a little tired and weak but I feel the same maybe I'll feel different tomorrow"...."ugh I'm..s...sorry I wasn't here I got caught up with kiri and mina they wanted to know if you were going to come to school anytime soon all I said that I didn't care and just kept walking when I got here to see you on the ground not moving so yeah"..he looked away.."it's ok it's none of your fault I'll see how I am tomorrow and maybe talk to aizawa on what happen maybe next week if I'm lucky"..I didn't want to rush plasma because she wasn't talking to me maybe not all of the blood bending was in me so I needed to take it easy...1 hour passed and bakugo and I were siting down leaning our backs agents the arena doors.."so how you feeling now".bakugo asked.."yeah I'm fine now just feel a little light headed that's all"..I said sipping from my water bottle...."well then we should get you back".bakugo got up and handed out his me..I grabbed it and he pulled me were turned the lights off and walked out it was so cold that I started getting goosebumps.."hey you have my jumper".bakugo took off his jumper and handed it to me.."you sure I don't want you to get sick"..I took the jumper from his hand giving him a concerned look.."nah I'm fine just put it on already or I can have it back".he said giving me a smirk..I put the jumper on it smelt like him and it was kinda big so I felt cozy and warm..when we arrived at the entrance of the dorm building we stopped and turned to each-other...."umm y/n I know I didn't really help much today I didn't know really how to help you I just thought you needed someone I'm..sorry".he said looking down.."bakugo please don't apologise you help so much you kept me company when I was going crazy and you kinda saved me back there keeping me awake so thank you for that"..I smiled.."yeah I see you tomorrow maybe".."yeah I'll wake up early and talk with aizawa and see if I get the clear but if not then I'll be in my room like always hah"..I winked.."ohh here you jumper don't want to steal it again hah".I giggled giving him the he grabbed out of my hand and his face was turned from me I slipped in a little kiss on the cheek.."w..what was that for"..he back up in shock.."that was thank you and good night"..I said shooting my wings out and flying into the sky to my balcony....I smiled shutting my blinds and flopping on my bed..maybe I did have a little crush on bakugo...(next morning)...I slept ok last night but plasma was still not talking which was weird maybe something happened last night..I got into my school uniform and stood near my mirror to see if everything was tidy.."uhh plasma if you can hear me umm are you ok"..I said waiting for a response..but nothing before I walked away from the mirror her dark voice was herd.."yes I'm here what do you want"..I turned to the mirror to look at myself my eyes were a dark red they were even glowing.."ohh my god plasma your ok I got so worried that I lost you"..I said smiling.."hah there no way you can get rid of me beside you my equal now so we have to stay together"..her voice said.."really everything went ok then I have you full power"..I yelled.."yes yes you do luckily your friend bakugo was it? came in to check on you..your hart was slowing down so lucky he kept you awake..ohh yeah there has been some changes going on with you".she said.."what kind of changes".."well every-time I talk with you your eyes will glow bright red and you have excellent hearing your body will feel a bit lighter and start to change but you'll be fine".she said."umm is there anything else you should be telling me"..I said looking nervous.."hmm ohh yeah when you change into demon form your hair will turn white I don't know why but it just will so deal with it"..she said.."ohh ok then white hair huh that should look amazing (not).." was around 6am so I wanted to go see aizawa and tell him everything on what has happen and see if I can get out of this room iv been in this room for almost 2 weeks so I hope aizawa will let me back into I walked out of my dorm and down the elevator and walked into the lounge Area the sun wasn't up yet and everyone was still asleep..aizawa must be in his office so I began walking down the school halls my footsteps would eco every-time I took a I walked around the corner I could hear to people talking there voice would eco "wow my hearing is amazing".I said to myself..I knocked on aizawa's office door to hear him say."come in y/n" did he know it was me...I walked in to see him in his chair and someone next to him.."morning sir".I said taking a seat.." I new you would come today y/n"..he said showing a small smile.."hah you did"..I glanced over to see who was next to him it was a guy with wings just like me his arms were crossed and he gave me a smile..I didn't really recognise the guy was is he a teacher?.."so y/n I guess your here to see if I'll let you back in right?"..aizawa said.."yes sir it's been 2 weeks and my training has been completed sir".I said.."good iv been keeping a close eye on you as-well I watch you train and push past you limits and last night was one of the scariest ones I've ever seen luckily bakugo was there to keep you awake." now I guess you have mastered plasma corrected?".he said.."yes sir we are equals now I have her full power"..I said..before I could go on the man that was next to him spoke..."so I guess this is the part you tell her".he said.."yes. y/n we understand that your quirk is one of a kinda these past few weeks iv been studying and trying to figure out a way to train you but iv come to a dead end.."I have never seen or herd of your quirk before means if you are one of my students I can't teach because I don't know what you need help with I'm sorry but this school is not for you"..aizawa eye winded is he expelling me my hero career is ruined UA is the only best school for hero's and I failed all because of my quirk.."y..yeah I know"..I lowered my head.."but were not sending you home".aizawa spoke..I lifted my head..."w..what?".I said.."this school isn't for you that's why I'm sending you to another Agency a better school for you and this is your new teacher hawks"..I looked over in shock.."hawks your the hero that worked with my mum".I said showing a smile.."yep thats me and when I herd that you join UA I had to see you I only saw you when you were a baby and now you'v grown so much wow how's you mum".he asked.."she great and when I tell her I'm working with you she might carlm down little"..I smiled... "hawks is going to help you with your quirks but you will still be under my school but you just wont be getting teacher here." in 4 mouths I'm taking the school to a camp in the woods for training that's when you'll be able to see your friends and maybe join us again but for now you'll be with hawks.."thank you sir and thank you hawks for taking me in when do I leave".I said standing up.."well when your readying you can say goodbye to your friends and meet me out the front when your ready k".hawks smiled.."ok Ill try not to be long and aizawa thank you next time you see I'll be ready to join you".I smiled walking out the door..I fast walked back down the halls and in the elevator and straight to my I was packing everything in my room I felt kinda sad that I was leaving i'v only been with class 1A for a mouth and I made so many friends but this was the only way for me to train and become a hero.."so hawks huh lucky girl he's the number 2 hero your going to become famous my girl".plasma said.."hah in your dreams I'm only training it's not like I'm going on a patrol or something besides like you said hawks is very famous so he'll be busy some times and that ok I'll train my self"..I said packing my suit I got everything packed I herd a loud knock at my door.."come in".I yelled.."Y/N OMG IT'S BEEN FOR EVER I MISSED YOU SO MUCH".mina yelled jumping on me.."aww hey girl i'v missed you to"..I said hugging her.."hey I'm here to you know".kirishima said be-hide mina.."ohh hey kiri i'v missed you to".I hugged kirishima and could see that bakugo was out side my door."you can come in bakugo".I said watching him walk in.."hah long time no see demon girl".he said giving me a smirk..before I could say anything mina spoke.."uhh y/n why are you packing"..she asked.i watched as bakugo eyes winded and turned to me.."uhh I'm leaving".I said looking down.."WHAT WHY".kiri yelled.."umm they found me a new school actually it's hawks Agency he's going to be helping me with my quirk for a few months because hawks actually worked with my mum a few years ago so he's kinda like family"..I said grabbing my bags..the room went silent.."well I have to go hawks is waiting out side"..I started walking to the door when bakugo stood in-front of me.."are you leaving because of me".he said..."WHAT NO why would you even think that".I yelled.."BECAUSE THEY MUST'VED SAW ME WITH YOU AND HELPING YOU SO THATS WHY THERE SENDING YOU AWAY RIGHT DON'T LIE".he yelled.a small tear rolled down his cheek..I put my hand on his cheek."bakugo this is none of your fault ok its mine my quirk is not right for this school aizawa told me he can't help me so hawks will be my new teacher please don't get upset ok we'll see each-other soon actually in 4 months if I'm correct the schools going on a camp or something and you'll all see me there I'm sure of it ok."you know what here..I handed them all a peace of paper with my phone number on it.."now when you get time we can call or text trust me I'll try and answer k".I smile.."aww y/n I'm going to miss you so much".mina hugged me from be-hide.."yeh she right we all going to miss you".kiri put his hand on my shoulder..."guys your going to see me in 4 months ok it's not like I'm dying or something"..I giggled.."I best be off thank you guys for everything I love you all and next time you see me I'll be ready to fight along side you guys".I smiled before walking out of my dorm leaving ..I walked pasted shoto deku and kaminari they were shocked that I was leaving and a little upset but I told them I'll see them soon...before I walked out of the dorm building my name was yelled.."Y/N!".bakugo yelled running up to me..I turned and stoped so he could catch up.."yes bakugo?".I said.."I NEED TO TELL YOU SOMETHING DAM IT I..I".I put my finger on his lip.."shh tell me when you see me again ok".I hugged him and smiled before turning and walking to the car..I put my bags in the boot and before I got in a turned to take one last look I saw all my friends out the front waving me good bye.."SEE YOU Y/N WE'LL MISS YOU!!".mina yelled..I waved and jumped in"you'll see them soon kid don't worry".hawks said.i smiled..the car started to drive away I new this was a new start in my life again and I was ready....

hope you guys liked this part I wanted to add hawks just because he had wings and could help y/n more then aizawa I think there will be way more y/n x bakugo in the next episode what did you think bakugo was trying to tell y/n let me know in the comments. see you in part 4

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