Councilman??? Part 2

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Moonlight- let's continue





Note: This scene is similar to the scene from The Official Request by vonlane. I love them and their books I've read each of them like five times.


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It was the day after Sasuke left and Naruto was going to meet with Tsunade and Kakashi for training to be hokage. It was pretty early to when he arrived at the tower he wasn't surprised to find it almost empty. Naruto was a few hallways away from the Hokage's office when he heard someone call out to him with a sickeningly-sweet tone of voice, "Uzumaki-san, you here pretty early." Naruto recognized the voice but prayed to Kami he was mistaken. He turned and faced Councilman Ishii Toshiaki. He was angry but just smiled and bowed respectfully, "Councilman Ishii Toshiaki, good morning. Um yes I was just going to see Godaime Hokage and Rokudaime Hokage"

Naruto could see mischief in his eyes. "Oh then I'll let you get to it." They were about to go there separate ways when he said, "also congratulations with the Uchiha." Naruto stopped. Naruto💭 h-he couldn't k-know. H-how?

Naruto tried playing it off.

Naruto- Umm sorry but I seem to be confused, what are you talking about?

Ishii- c'mon Naruto, Nishimaru-san told me about your relationship with the Uchiha a couple nights ago, talking about how the last Uchiha was in an intimate relationship with Konoha's monster.

Naruto💭 did one of the guards see me and rat me out? crap.

Naruto stiffened. "I wasn't aware our relationship had come to knowledge yet?"

Ishii, "oh it hasn't and it won't"

Naruto- and why is that?

Ishii- we both know the answer to that. It's is quite obvious really. The last Uchiha marrying a demon creature like you. The council would never allow it. At first I struggled to understand what Sasuke-sama saw in you but then it hit me.

He went up to Naruto and started caressing his face.

Ishii- oh my Naruto you skin is so smooth and soft, kinda like fur, most have something to do with that monster inside of you right?

【Screen Pauses】

Kawaki, Naru, Kawa, Sasuko, Naruko, Shikamaru and Shikadai💭 I feel that this is about to get much worse

Naruto- umm Moonlight-san can I leave please? 

Me- sure Naruto-kun

We waited for Naruto to leave

Me- okay let's continue you are allowed to avert your eyes if this gets too uncomfortable for you

Everyone nodded

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