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"Seeing someone smile is more than enough to the one who truly cares"

"Some things are better to let go than holding it"

"Loving others can be painful, loving yourself is hard but can give you the warmest love you ever wanted to have"

"Lighting up others means giving them the light you have, don't let others get every single light that you have"

"Smile cover-ups the sadness of a person but it never hides the eyes of the one who's been hurt"

"A child's smile is the sweetest"

"Past maybe past but past can hurt the future"

"FRIENDS maybe with you right now, are you sure they will stick if you fall down?"

"There's a lot of people around you but only few will stay"

"Your past can be your fuel in the present and future"

"Success is not only what you can see"

"Flower surrounded by a fire"

"Your smile can be anything"

"Success is not always what it looks or other's think"

"Caged physically and mentally but not your creative mind"

"You're okay now until the feelings of the past comes when you don't expect it"

"Things comes back when you least expect them"

"We like big things but small things makes them possible"

"Changing the past vanish the joy of the present and future"

"Love can start anywhere but true starts within yourself"

"Love blooms by time, hatred leaves a scar inside 'till the end"

"Love once and hope it will be the last"

"You maybe happy now without me, I only hope that smile of yours is not the same as before when I'm still around you"

"The sun rises and I hope when it comes the time for it to come down, you will still be there beside me"

"You being beside me feels like cotton candy and flowers"

"If I need to go to a safe zone, I will come to you"

"Cold night will get warmer when I'm with you"

"It is okay to be dead silent rather than saying a lot but all lies"

"It burns but it is okay as long as you see smile"

"Hiding things won't last but that is better for now"

"Success is all over around you, it is just your choice to acknowledge it or not"

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