1. Diamond of the First Water

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A.N : happy reading ❤️

1813, Grosvernor Square, London.

The dawn of the social season had been brought about. All of London's marriage minded young ladies had been preparing their entire lives for their debut in the marriage market.

At the house of the Forbes, there were three young and beautiful, but sometimes ungraceful misses. Charlotte, Camille and Caroline. All of them foisted upon the society by their tasteless and tactless mother.

On the contrary stayed the household of the Marshalls headed by the recently widowed Viscountess Marshall who had six shockingly prolific young adults as her and her late husband's children. Three handsome sons, Damon, Lorenzo and Stefan and three beautiful daughters, Hayley and twins Katherine and Elena.

Lorenzo and Stefan were rummaging through the house, looking over the preparations being done by the servants for the departure of their dear sister Hayley to the Royal Palace for her official debut in this year's London season. Katherine and Elena dolled themselves up as well for they along with their mother and their three elder brothers were to accompany Hayley to the Royal Palace.

Momentarily, Hayley stepped out of her room with Viscountess Lily by her side. She was clad in a beautiful white dress, bedazzled with a hundred glimmering crystals. The tight corset underneath accentuated her beautiful form. Her hair was done in a beautiful low bun with a single strand of her glorious chestnut brown hair falling down her face. She was beautiful with her hazel green eyes, full lips, sharp nose and high cheekbones. She indeed had bloomed into a fine young woman.

Meanwhile, their eldest brother Damon was nowhere to be found. Or at least what Damon wanted them to know. He was off somewhere with his lover Alexia, engaging in rather intimate activities.

As the Marshalls stepped out of the threshold, they saw the Forbes step out as well. Caroline and Elena, being the bestfriends they were waved at each other. Lady Elizabeth half-heartedly smiled at Viscountess Lily which she returned back. Both of the families got into their respective carriages and started for the Royal Palace.

At the Royal Palace

Hayley stepped out of her carriage, as gracefully as ever. She was awed at the sight of the grandeur of the Palace. Her heart shaking from anticipation, accompanied by an underlying nervousness. She was watching the Palace when Damon arrived and surprised her. "Damon! You came!". Hayley exclaimed. "Of course, sister. I wouldn't miss such an important day for you and our family". He said and held his arm out for her to latch on to. "No. You would just be late for it". Lily said, subliminally trying to mock her son. He rolled his eyes. Hayley shrugged and held onto her brother's arm and her other hand found its way to her mother's.

All the young misses walked into the palace and entered the dressing room with their representatives and their mothers with them, assisting them with the last moment touches. All the young ladies experienced waves of nervousness rushing in as they were to be presented to Her Majesty, the Queen. Each debutante's future in the marriage mart would heavily depend on the Queen's perception. It was only the Queen's eye that would matter.

Miss Charlotte Forbes, Miss Camille Forbes and Miss Caroline Forbes. All represented by their rightful mother, Lady Elizabeth Forbes.

The court announcer called out. The young ladies stepped past the threshold of the waiting area and entered the Royal Court. Uncoordinated of course. Displeasure washed over the Queen's face as the ladies stepped closer. Caroline and Camille bowed down gracefully. At least something about their presentation went right. Charlotte attempted to bow down but her bone crushingly tight corset forbade her. Charlotte's body couldn't take the assault of the corset and she collapsed. In front of the entire court. Embarrassed, Lady Forbes dragged her three daughters out of the court.

Miss Hayley Marshall, represented by her mother, Viscountess Lily Marshall.

The announcer called out. Hayley inhaled softly and braced herself to face the Queen's judgement. She stepped past the threshold, Lily following behind. She walked with such immaculate elegance. Her angelic aura turned all the heads in her direction. Everyone in the room was in awe of the beauty walking forth. She stopped at the distance of approximately five feet from the Queen with her head hung low. She bowed in courtesy and held her stance. The Queen's facial expressions suggested that she was beyond pleased by the young lady's elegance and beauty. To everyone's surprise, Her Majesty departed her throne and towards Hayley. She put her forefinger below Hayley's chin and lifted her face to take in her beauty. "Flawless, my dear". The Queen said to Hayley and planted a kiss on her forehead. Every soul in the court voiced their astonishment in whispers. The Queen found her way back to the throne and watched Hayley as she bowed down yet again along with her mother. "Did that truly just happen?". An astound Hayley softly asked Lily. "Keep smiling, dearest. They're watching. Now more than ever". Lily whispered back. Both Hayley and Lily took their leave from the court.

Hayley had managed to outshine nearly two hundred young misses. But we all know, the brighter a lady shines, the faster she may burn.

At the Marshall house

An overly excited Hayley was being helped by her handmaids to get out of the white gown she had worn for her official debut. Elena was seated opposite her elder sister with her twin standing beside her and looking over her shoulder as Elena read the society papers written by a new incognito editor. "What is it that the Queen called you Hayley?". Elena asked as she read on. "Flawless. Or something like that". Hayley said blushingly. "Well dear sister, now you have two hundred new adversaries for yourself. They say you are the season's incomparable". Elena said. "Elena!". Katherine said to her sister warningly. "Elena, all I did was courtesy in a lavishly minced gown like all the other girls. Besides, we all need to find love someday. Sure, a love as pure as the one that Mama and Papa once shared is difficult to find. But the least we can do is try. And perhaps, my success in the marriage mart shall hugely impact yours and Katherine's future too". Hayley said.

"Enough with the bickering girls. Your dresses have arrived!". Lily informed her daughters and they came running in to have a look at their lavish frocks, all dripping with finery. "What is that you're reading, Elena?". Lily questioned her daughter who loved to read, study and dedicate her time to education. "Just the society papers by some masked editor, Mama. They call Hayley the season's incomparable". Elena responded. "That indeed is very true. The diamond of the first water. It's what everyone has been going on with about your dear sister. She shall receive the highest number of capable suitors". Lily said with utmost pride, looking at her eldest daughter.

At the Ford house

A handsome young man arrived at the Ford house, mounted on a horse. The dirty blonde haired man, with a tall and slightly muscular build and piercing sea blue eyes got off the horse and took a sip of scotch from his flask that he carried everywhere. He put the flask beneath his coat and walked into the Ford house where he was greeted by Lady Tessa, short for Tessianne Ford as it was a rather long name. "To what do I owe the pleasure of The Duke of Hastings arriving at my place?". Lady Tessa asked with her sarcasm laced voice. "It's Great to see you too, Lady Tessa". The Duke said with a little chuckle. "My sincere condolences for your father's departed soul". Tessa said, her voice not ridding itself of that sarcasm. "That's kind of you". The Duke responded with a tone implying his annoyance at the mention of his recently departed father. "Kind? You hated that man". Tessa said to which The Duke jerked his head as him and Tessa entered further into her house. "Well, I have returned to London to attend to some of my late father's unfinished businesses". He said. "Which is why I have managed to keep the details of your return quiet. But when those vulgar and greedy mothers discover that there is a more than eligible Duke present during the beginning of this year's social season, then only the Lord could grant you mercy". Tessa completed. "Which is why I would like for you to accept my regrets for not attending the ball you're throwing tonight". The Duke said it in a manner as plain as day. "Your regrets....are denied". Tessa said sternly. "Alright maybe a brief appearance-". He said before getting cut off by Tessa. "Perfect. I shall expect you tonight and get rid of that flask you carry like your life depends on it. Most undignified". Tessa said and walked away. The Duke exhaled softly and found his way inside Tessa's place.

A.N : First chapter is up !!!! I HOPE YOU ALL LIKE IT !!!! thank you ❤️

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