2. The Duke

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A.N : happy reading ❤️

The highly anticipated Ford Ball was in preparations. The ball being the commencing event of the social season was sought by each darling debutante as this would decide their fortune in the marriage mart, thus depending the number of suitors each would manage to secure.

At the Forbes house

Charlotte and Camille were sat around the tea table in their drawing room. Caroline had her head burried in her book. Caroline had an affinity for education. Similar to that of her bestfriend Elena. The two connected since they were little girls on this ground. Both holding a natural liking for learning. They would always do things together. Except Caroline debuted this year and Elena would debut next year because Lily accepted her request for delaying her debut by a year so she could remain dedicated to her studies. But Lady Forbes denied Caroline's request when she had asked. Unwillingly, Caroline had to learn to be a proper lady.

Elizabeth was gossiping with Lady Cowper over tea and biscuits. "So who's this cousin of your girls that is joining them for the entire season?". Lady Cowper asked Elizabeth. "She's a distant cousin of the girls. She does not have any close female to sponsor her debut. Hence Lord Forbes has asked me to take her in for the season with her being a farm girl and all. Being charitable to the poor is our duty afterall. As hectic as it must be". Elizabeth answered with annoyance filling her voice.

" The cousin of Miss Charlotte, Miss Camille and Miss Caroline is here. Come forth, Miss Valerie Tulle".

A strawberry blonde haired girl with beautiful blue eyes and beautiful features stepped in. Her pale skin glowing. Her tall and slim build adding to her beauty.

"Good afternoon, Lady Forbes. Good afternoon, Miss Charlotte, Miss Camille, Miss Caroline". The girl politely greeted and smiled at them. Camille and Caroline returned her gesture wholeheartedly. Charlotte and Elizabeth watched with envy.

"Welcome, Valerie. You shall be joining us to Lady Tessa Ford's ball this evening. You will have your own handmaid. She'll lead you to your room. She shall help you freshen up and prepare for the evening". Elizabeth said and forced a fake smile towards Valerie. "I'm beyond grateful for this Lady Forbes. Good day to you. Good day, Miss Charlotte, Miss Camille, Miss Caroline". Valerie thanked. "Just call us Camille and Caroline". Camille said on behalf of her and her younger sister. Caroline nodded in agreement with a smile. Valerie smiled and nodded and left for her room.

At the Ford Ball, in the evening.

As the sun went down, all the debutantes and other invitees started arriving at the Ford house for the first ball of the season. All dressed lavishly.

Hayley arrived wearing a soft pink coloured gown, bedazzled with crystals in a similar colour to that of the fabric and her hair secured in a bun. A neckpiece with intricate details wrapped around her neck and minimal rouge in her cheeks. She was looking as exquisite as it could get.

She entered the ball room, holding her eldest brother's arm and with her mother and her brothers Enzo and Stefan following behind. An event similar to that in the morning at the Royal Palace took place again. All the heads in the room turned in her direction.

Hayley blushed at the admiration she was receiving from everyone in the room. Every young man looked at her with lustful eyes. "They're starting, mother". Damon said to his mother through gritted teeth, getting angry at the men staring at his sister. Lily paid no attention to his remark and turned to Hayley instead and softly said, "Allow them to come to you, dearest". Hayley nodded lightly and smiled. "Shall we, sister?". Damon asked and smiled at Hayley. She smiled and took his arm and wandered off.

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