Chapter 1

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I double checked to make sure I had everything with me. Toothbrush, check. Hairbrush, check. Clothes, check. Yup, everything seemed to be in order. I was ready to go to my first vidcon. As a youtuber, it was highly requested that I attend the event. Although I only have 101,677 subscribers, they all wanted to meet me really badly. I'm just some gamer girl playing video games for fun, and I thought no one would ever watch my videos, but what do you know, they love me!
Anyways, I got in the car and headed to the airport. Vidcon is in LA this year, and I live in Arizona so I thought I mine as well save gas and fly there. On the way, I heard a very interesting radio report.
"This just in," the radio reporter said. "we are getting reports of a highly contagious disease spreading around the Los Angeles area. Although there is high speculation about this disease having zombie-like symptoms, scientists say that the disease will at most make you have severe cold-like symptoms."
That's interesting. Why would people think that a zombie virus is popping up. They're probably just some Internet trolls who want attention. I get enough of that on YouTube!
I pretty much disregarded the radio report. First of all, it was like five in the morning and I was half asleep and focused on driving. Secondly, I didn't believe in zombies at all. How could people turn into brain eating blood suckers just with a disease or being bitten by an infected person? That's just ridiculous!
I arrived at the airport and went through security, which always takes forever. After I got out of the airport security, I got to my gate and checked my phone for one last time before getting onto the plane. I got a text from my friend, Jordan, also known as Captainsparklez.
"Did u hear about that zombie virus spreading around? Ohhh so scary! Lol r u still going to vidcon?" He texted.
"Duh! Lol about to get on the plane. See you in LA." I replied.
I got on the plane once they called economy class seats. I sat down in the window seat next to two other people. I couldn't wait to get to LA. I decided to sleep before we landed, because it was early and I was still dead tired. I leaned on the window and tried to go to sleep as the plane took of into the sky. I would get to LA at about 7 A.M. and have time to check into my hotel and unpack before vidcon started. Then I'd get there about like, 10 A.M. and meet up with Jordan and some of his friends. I went over that plan in my head a couple of times before drifting off into sleep.

I woke up to the pilot speaking. He was just saying that the plane was about to land. Good thing I slept through the whole flight so I wasn't board.
The plane landed and I got off. I claimed my bag and went out to the parking lot where Jordan was waiting for me.
"Hey, Athena. Nice to see you again!" He said.
"Nice seeing you again too, Jordan!" I said happily.
I got into the passenger seat of the car as he started it up.
"Mind if I vlog a bit?" I asked.
Besides my gaming channel, I have a vlogging channel which I made after my gaming one. People really like to see what goes on in the life of a gamer I guess.
"Go right ahead." He replied
I pulled out my vlogging camera and hit the record button.
"Hey guys, it's me Athena! I'm currently making my way to vidcon with the Captain of Sparkley Pants!" I said, pointing my camera toward Jordan. Then I pointed it back to me.
"So yeah, actually first, we're going to go to the hotel and drop our stuff off, and then we're going to eat some lunch, and then go to vidcon. See you at the hotel!" I said.
I then stopped recoding and put the camera away in my suitcase.
We arrived at the hotel, I vlogged my room that I was sharing with Jordan, and then put my stuff away next to my bed. I checked my phone and there was a bunch of warnings from people on twitter about the whole disease going around LA and zombies and stuff. I guess vidcon wasn't going to be that packed this year, seeing as people thought zombies were coming.
I finished putting my stuff away, and then Jordan and I went to the pizza place across the street from the hotel. We ordered some pizza and sat down.
"So what's vidcon like?" I asked.
"Oh, it's really cool. All of your fans crowd around you and you just... they don't feel like fans. They feel like friends." He said.
"Wow, that sounds awesome!" I said.
The pizza came to are table quickly, because we were the only people there besides the workers.
"I guess people are really freaking out about this whole 'zombie disease' thing." Jordan said, picking up a peice of pizza.
"Yeah, I guess so." I said, nibbling on the end of the pizza.
We ate and talked through lunch, and then got into the car and headed off to vidcon. I was really excited.

So what do you guys think? I hope you'll enjoy this story! I'm planning on weekly updates, but maybe more. Please comment and vote, and follow to become a god or goddess today! See you in the next chapter!

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