Chapter 4

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In the moment, I had no idea what to do. I was staring at the dead reanimated corpse, while everyone was panicking and Felix ripped the door open.
"Go! Leave me!" Felix yelled.
"No! I'm not leaving anyone!" Adam retaliated.
"Not on my watch!" Felix said.
He grabbed Adam and pushes him out of the elevator. Adam flapped his arms in the air, trying to get his balance straight. He grabbed onto the elevator cable and slid to a stop.
"You can go like Adam did, or you can go by yorself, it's your choice but I'm holding this door open." Felix said.
The zombies started climbing into the elevator.
"If you don't want to die, I'd suggest jumping now!" Felix yelled.
"I'm... I'm afraid of heights..." I studdered.
"We'll jump together." Jordan said.
He grabbed my hand and held onto it tightly. In that moment I felt like we were the only two people in the world, even though I thought we were going to die.
"Ready?" He asked.
I slowly nodded my head. I looked behind us and saw the zombies drawing closer and closer.
"Three... two... one... JUMP!" Jordan exclaimed.
We leaped from the elevator, and caught our balance in the air. Jordan, still holding my hand, grabbed onto the elevator cable. I did the same. He let go of my hand, and we jumped onto the ledge that Adam was on. We saw one by one everyone come out of the elevator. Felix jumped last, after everyone got out safely. The zombies were trapped inside the elevator now, and we were safe from them... for now.
"Okay, there are the elevator doors. We just need to get them open and we can search for leftover food and water in the convention center." Shane said.
We all nodded. The only problem was that we'd have to climb up wires and cables that could collapse at any given moment to get over to the door.
"Uh, who wants to go first?" Joey asked.
"I'll go." Jordan volunteered.
"Don't." I said.
"Don't worry, I'll be fine." He said.
I don't know why I didn't want him to go. It's like being stuck in this situation made me realize something about him, but I don't know what it is.
Anyways, he climbed through the wires, but then the worst thing imaginable happened.
"Ah!" Jordan screamed as one of his hand slipped off the cable.
"Jordan!" I yelled.
I jumped onto the cable.
"Are you out of your mind?!" Adam screamed.
"He's my best friend! I'm not just going to let him die!" I argued.
"Athena! If your going to save me do it quick! I don't know how much longer this hand can hold on!" Jordan struggled.
"Don't worry, Jordan! I'm coming!" I said, climbing through the wires.
I climbed through the wires all the way to Jordan. I reached my hand out to him.
"Grab on!" I yelled.
He took my hand, and I pulled him up. He grabbed on to the wires next to the ones I was on.
"Thank you." Jordan whispered.
"No problem." I said.
We climbed onto the ledge next to the doors. Jordan and I held the doors open for everyone. Slowly, they all climbed the wires and made their way over to the doors and climbed into the convention center. I climbed into the convention center, and then Jordan did.
"Whoa." Tyler said.
The place looked totally different. Everything was destroyed. Even chunks of the ceiling were gone, revealing the fourth floor.
"Check around for zombies and supplise. Weapons, food, and water are all we need right now." Tyler said.
We all started looking around this floor. This was where the panel was supposed to be. I looked in the purses left over when people fled. I found candy and stuff in some, and pepper spray in a few purses. I found a knife in one or them. Not like, a butter knife or something like that. It was full on machete status. That girl must've had some trust issues. At least we had protection now.
After an hour of looking through purses, we all met back near the vending machine.
"What did you all find?" Jordan asked.
I showed them everything I had. I had the knife, seven bottles of pepper spray, nine packs of gum, and fourteen packs of different candy. Jordan found a fully loaded gun, a bottle of water, and ten packs of gum. Everyone showed what they had, and it added up to fifty-two packs of gum, sixty-five packs of candy, ten bottles of water, two guns, and four knives.
"Tyler and I have been trying to get this vending machine, but we can't seem to get the open code right." Joey said.
"How about we do this?" Adam asked.
He motioned for everyone to get out of the way. We all moved behind him, and he grabbed a gun and shot the glass of the vending machine, causing it to shatter. We collected everything, and we then had a lot of supplise. We knew we'd still need to ration, and probably get some healthier food, but at least we knew we had plenty of food and water for the time being.
A couple of hours later, we heard noises coming from the elevator.
"They're coming up." Rhett said.
"Everyone, grab a weapon. The people who don't get a weapon, stand back." I explained.
Rhett, Link, Shane, and Adam all grabbed knives. Jordan and I grabbed the guns.
We pointed our weapons towards the elevator doors. They slowly cracked open, and three zombies came in. I aimed for the head, and shot. The zombie fell to the ground. I watched as Jordan fired and missed and Link stabbed a zombie in the head. It fell to the ground, and now there was only one more zombie left. Shane and Rhett stabbed the zombie in the gut, but it went unaffected.
"They only die when they get stabbed or shot in the head!" I yelled to them.
Adam stabbed the zombie in the head, and the zombie fell to the ground like the others. We pushed the finally dead corpses down the elevator shaft and shut the doors.
"That was too close." Joey said, coming out of hiding.
"Yeah," Tyler replied, "way too close."
"At least we're safe." I say.
"For now." Jordan added.
"Yeah, at least we're safe for now." I finished.

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