Chapter 10

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Adam stared at me oddly. I bet he was wondering why I kissed back. I knew something was different about that kiss.
"Why did you kiss me?" I asked.
"Because I think I'm in love with you, Athena." Adam said.
"But what about Alesa?" I asked.
"She's dead. I know she is. You said it yourself, she'd want me to move on. I've moved on to you." Adam explained.
"But she might still be alive. What if she is?" I asked him.
"But I know she's not." Adam said.
I then looked around. We were back in the building.
"What happened after I passed out. Why did I pass out?" I asked.
"We had a fight with the gang. We didn't manage to kill any of them that we know of, but we injured some of them. We were able to escape and bring you back here." Adam explained to me.
"Where are the others?" I asked.
"They went out for more supplise. It's my turn to watch you." Adam remarked.
"More supplies? How long have I been out?" I asked, relatively confused.
"You've been out for about a month now. We weren't sure how long it'd be before you woke up. We thought that you might never wake up. You did have a bullet in your shoulder." Adam explained.
"A whole month?!" I exclaimed.
"Hey, calm down. Everything will be alright." Adam said.
I saw Wolf come up to me. He snuggled up to me, and licked my hand.
"He did that everyday around this time while you were out." Adam said.
I gave the dog a little scratch under the chin, which he seemed to enjoy.
"So what happened during this month?" I asked Adam.
He filled me in on what had happened. The gang still had Joey captive, and won't let him go until we surrender. Wolf had learned to walk with one less leg, which I had clearly seen. I had my mouth slightly open, so they were giving me water that way every couple of hours. That explains why I really had to go to the bathroom. I hadn't eaten anything. They knew if I didn't wake up soon I would've starved to death in my comatose state. Jordan snuggled up next to me every night, and Adam kissed me every time it was his shift to watch me and no one was around.
"And in this time," He explained, "I realized I loved you."
He then pressed his lips against mine. I didn't know what to do, so I just pulled away.
"I'm sorry, Adam. I just don't feel the same way. I'm with Jordan." I said.
"But I'm the one who loves you, Athena." Adam said.
"But Jordan loves me too." I stated.
"I bet he doesn't love you as much as I do." Adam said.
I heard the doors open. It was the guys they were back from gathering supplise. I stood up to go and greet the guys. My legs felt like Jello as I stood up for the first time in a month. I was falling backwards, and Adam caught me. He put me straight up. I heard footsteps in the stairs, coming up. I heard carts being pushed up the stairs with force. Adam put his hands around my waist. He kissed me, and I couldn't help but close my eyes. I opened them moments later to see Jordan standing there, a cart by his side. Adam stopped kissing me.
"Jordan, no. It's not what it looks like." I said.
"Oh, I think it's exactly what it looks like." Jordan said, as he ran up to Adam. He punched Adam in the face, and grabbed him by his shirt. He punched him again.
"Jordan stop, your hurting him!" I argued.
"So now you're defending him!?" Jordan yelled.
"You said it yourself, if we're going to survive we're going to have to stick together. This is NOT sticking together!" I retaliated.
"But you cheated on me. With him!" Jordan said, pointing at Adam, still in his grip.
"He kissed me! I didn't kiss him! I told him that I love you and you love me but he wouldn't listen!" I exclaimed.
Jordan looked back at Adam, as if he was asking him, is this true? Adam nodded, and Jordan let him go.
"Do not do it again." He said to Adam, looking him straight in the eye. Adam just nodded, and I could see the fear in his eyes.
Everyone else came upstairs, and seamed to be a bit surprised that I was awake.
"Your awake." Link said, sounding shocked.
"I bet your hungry." Jordan said.
As if on cue, my stomach growled. I guess I hadn't eaten in a month. Jordan smilied.
"Let's get you something to eat." Jordan said, wrapping his arm around me.
I was happy when his arm was around me, but for some reason Adam's kisses lingered on my lips longer that Jordan's did. I ate a small sandwich. I didn't want to eat that much. Though I was hungry, I had other things on my mind. I was scared.
Am I falling for Adam? I questioned myself. I can't be, I love Jordan. I concluded.
I was wide awake at night, so I stayed up. Some people switched out every hour, because I guarded through the whole night. Adam took a two hour shift. Jordan was reluctant and didn't want us to be alone together. He fell asleep after I assured him that nothing was going to happen between Adam and I. It was last shift when Adam and I guarded.
"Are you sure you're not tired?" Adam asked.
"Yeah. Why does it seem like you really want me to go to sleep?" I asked.
"Because I really want to kiss you, but I know you won't kiss me back. If your asleep, I can't kiss you." Adam whispered.
"That didn't stop you when I was in a coma." I said.
"I was desperate. If you died, I'd have no one. I needed to kiss you to see if my feelings for you were real, and I found out they were." Adam whispered again.
He hugged me, and held me close. I felt myself falling for him as he leaned in to kiss me again. I kissed back, to see if my feelings for him were real. I found out they were. I knew I was going to have to choose between Adam and Jordan. I had no idea what would happen, or who I would choose. In that moment though, I knew I loved Adam with passion. The kiss was perfect. Adam tripped on part of his sleeping bag, and fell to the ground, bringing me down with him. We looked around to make sure no one woke up. No one opened their eyes. Now we were laying next to each other on the sleeping bag. His kisses were filled with passion, and mine were too. We stopped after a while, and I was blushing uncontrollably. I checked my phone. 7:56.
"We have time for one last kiss." Adam said.
He stood up. I reached out my hand and he pulled me off the ground. I stood up and he leaned in close. We kissed once more. The taste of him lingered for a while afterwards. I knew it was wrong to enjoy his kisses while I was still with Jordan. Jordan brought out my compassion, and Adam fueled my passion for love. I didn't know who I'd chose, but I knew it had to happen soon.
"We can't let anyone know about us." I whispered to Adam.
He nodded. We proceeded to wake everyone up. I woke up Jordan, and he stood up and kissed me passionately. I was wiped of Adam's taste and it was replaced by Jordan's. They were both so sweet. I didn't know what I was going to do.
Later, when I was making lunch with Tyler and Shane, Tyler talked to me.
"Athena, I need to tell you something." Tyler blurted out. I could tell it was a forced sentence, like he just worked up the courage to tell me this.
"What?" I asked, slightly curious.
"I saw you and Adam making out this morning. Well, more like heard you. I heard a large thump, and then woke up. I didn't open my eyes, but I heard kissing noises. I knew it was Adams shift, and you were up too." Tyler admitted.
"Do not tell Jordan. I'll work all of this out. In the meantime you can't tell him. He'll freak out." I said.
"But, uh, what were you too actually doing?" Tyler asked. I knew what he was implying.
"Oh grow up!" I exclaimed.
"Hey, it was just a question!" Tyler said, slightly snickering.
We continued making food for everyone after that. Tyler never told Jordan. I didn't know what I was going to do. I really liked Adam, but Jordan was my boyfriend. I liked them both. No, I loved both of them. I just didn't know which one I could be without. My thoughts were soon inturupted by the familiar sound of glass breaking, and gunshots.
"Is it the gang!?" I heard Shane yell over all of the commotion.
I loaded my gun and went to the window. I pointed it at two men, and I recognized them immediately. They were AmazingPhil and Danisnotonfire.
"Don't shoot! We didn't know anyone was in here!" Phil exclaimed, putting his gun down. I heard footsteps behind me.
"Athena wait, backup is coming!" I heard Adam exclaim.
I heard a gun shot from behind and Dan, Phil, and I instinctively ducked. Luckily the bullet missed all of us.
"Adam don't shoot they're friends, not foes!" I exclaimed.
Adam came up behind me and put his hand on my shoulder. He swiftly removed it though, remembering that what we were was a secret.
"Aren't you two youtubers?" Dan asked.
"Yes, we are. My name is Athena, and this is Adam. Are you alone?" I asked the youtubers outside of the window.
"No, there is one other of us. We've been hiding in a nearby house just outside of the city, but then it was over run by zombies so were forced to leave." Phil exclaimed.
"Who is the other one?" Adam asked.
Dan and Phil looked at each other for a moment, and Dan nodded approvingly to Phil. Phil turned around and picked something out of his bag on the ground. It was cradled in his arms and Phil turned back around. There, in Phil's arms was a baby, swaddled in a pink blanket.
"We heard a ring at the doorbell a couple of weeks after the zombie outbreak. We answered the door and looked down to see this little baby in a basket. We then took her in and saw this note." Dan said, handing us a note.
"I'm sorry to leave you this baby, but I'm infected and knew I didn't have much time left. I could feel myself dying and becoming one of them. I knew people were living in this house, I just wasn't sure who. I hope that you will take care of my child. She is three weeks old, and I didn't name her because soon after I gave birth I was infected. By the way, if you didn't know, you have three weeks left of being human of you are infected. Anyways, the day that I gave birth, I was bitten. And so was the rest of my group besides my baby. Please take care of her, and give her lots of love. For me."
The note read.
"We've been calling her Dilly, because we aren't clever with names." Phil said.
Dilly was adorable. She was awake at the time, but she was quiet. She looked so adorable while she was just all warm and swaddled. Everyone came running, a bit too loudly, down the hallway.
"Is everything alright?" Felix exclaimed, running down the hall with everyone else.
"Shhh!" I said.
I didn't want the baby to start crying. Everyone slowed down, and slowly headed towards us.
"Hi Dilly!" I cooed.
"Awww, she's so cute." Adam cooed as well.
She had pretty blueish greenish eyes a lot of hair for a baby. She had brown hair, kind of like Dan's.
Tyler approached the group.
"Aww, it's a little Phan baby." Tyler said, admiring Dilly.
Everyone gathered around.
"Is she pretty quiet?" Link asked.
"Yeah, she's pretty good at being quiet when we shoosh her. Unless she's hungry." Phil said.
"That's good." Rhett replied.
"What do you guys usually feed her?" Felix asked.
"We have some formula with us." Dan explained.
Dilly yawned and started crying.
"Shh, it's okay Dilly. Looks like it's time for her nap." Phil said, shooshing Dilly.
She immediately calmed down, and we took her to the sleeping area. We set up a bunch of blankets in a nest-like formation, and she fell asleep. Dilly is so adorable.
"We usually let her sleep until dinner time." Dan whispered.
"One of us usually watches her and we rotate days. It's my turn. You guys can do whatever." Phil whispered, sitting on the floor watching Dilly.
The rest of us headed upstairs and tried to keep ourselves entertained.
"Athena, can I talk to you about something?" Dan asked.
"Yeah, sure." I said.
"Alone." He said, looking at all of the other people around.
"Sure, let's go into the other room." I replied.
I led him into a small conference room. He closed the door, and looked at me nervously.
"What's up, Dan?" I asked.
"I know this is kind of a weird question, because we just met and all, but do you think you could give me some advice?" Dan asked.
"Yeah, sure. What do you need to know?" I asked Dan.
"Do you think that, you know, hypothetically speaking, that if I liked someone and I asked them out that he would say yes?" Dan asked.
"Hmm, he?" I asked.
"Oh, umm I mean they." Dan said, covering up what he said.
"Maybe, but if you want me to tell you if they'd say yes I'll need to know who this person is." I said, smirking. I was tricking him into telling me who it was.
"Okay, fine. It's just that ever since we got Dilly, I started to realize that I liked Phil. More than a friend like, if you know what I mean. I was just too scared to tell him how I felt, because if he doesn't feel the same way it might ruin our friendship." Dan explained to me.
"I'm not just saying this because I'm a total Phan shipper, but yeah. I think Phil would say yes." I said, smiling.
"Thanks, Athena." Dan smiled.
"No prob." I replied.
We walked out of the room and joined the others.
"What was that about?" Jordan asked.
"Dan has a little crush." I said.
And Jordan just shrugged it off, as to assume that it wasn't me. He grabbed my hand and we went downstairs quietly, wanting to go outside for a little bit. We tip toed downstairs, not wanting to wake Dilly. We caught Dan and Phil in the middle of a heated make out session. I guess he said yes. Jordan and I slipped outside, without making a sound.
"I am now Athena the match maker!" I exclaimed once he were outside.
"Haha, yeah, looks like whatever you did worked!" Jordan chuckled.
"What do you want to do?" I asked Jordan.
"I actually wanted to talk to you." Jordan said, the smile that was on his lips disappeared.
"About what?" I asked, curious.
"About you. And Adam. I've seen how you've been acting around him and I need to know if you're in love with him, because honestly it feels like you are." Jordan said in a serious tone.
"I.... I...." I started to say.
"That's what I thought. Athena, no matter what, I just want you to be happy. Whoever you choose, just know that I'll always care about you Athena. I love you." Jordan said.
"I... I'm sorry Jordan. I know that I care about you, but I'm not sure I can say that until I find out how I really feel about Adam." I replied.
I started to cry. I felt terrible for letting Jordan down like that.
"It's okay, Athena." He said.
He put his hand on my shoulder, but I ran back into the building. I couldn't face him right then. I just couldn't think about anything. Besides one person. And if I told Jordan, I knew I'd break his heart. I couldn't do that to a person. I just couldn't.

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