Chapter 12

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The hill was much larger than Ahsoka had thought. The dark blue skies began to pale into a pink as the suns fought their way out of the darkness. Ahsoka and Lux finally reached the surprisingly flat top, breathlessly, as the suns barely reached the horizon. The wind whipped around them as their cloaks, scarves and goggles protected the smallest of skin from being pelted with sand. Ahsoka reached up and turned off the night vision allowing the small sensation of new light rising from the sands.

"Lux turn off your night vision, it's breathtaking." Ahsoka said through the scarves.

"Even more than that climb, yes. It's truly wonderful." Lux clasped her hand and she froze as her vision sharpened.

"Lux hand me the binoculars." She said keeping her eyes locked onto the spot until a pair of binoculars appeared in front of her which she quickly took and looked. A small hut sitting atop a flat rocky plateau looking out over the desolated landscape, smoke coming out of its chimney and a small two person speeder sitting next to the hut.

"What do you feel?" Lux asked her as she stared into the dim light. He had gotten good at asking Ahsoka the right questions at the right time, knowing exactly what she feels he still asks.

"I feel a strong pull towards the plateau." She whispered into the wind handing him the binoculars but not moving her head.

"I see it." He said wincing as he put the binoculars back into the bag on his back. They started down the rock's side though not as steep as the climb up. The sun had risen about a charter of the was up as they neared the plateau and was nearly mid day as they reached the hut which smoke had stopped running from its chimney.

"Anyone home?" He had asked.

"I don't think so." They neared the door and was about to knock but the door quickly slid sideways as a hand dragged them into the dark an the door shut on the sand.

"I knew I felt something." A warm voice said as their eyes slowly adjusted to the dim light.

"Master Kenobi." Ahsoka bowed but he stopped her.

"I didn't think you'd get my message." He said embracing her.

"I didn't think I would either." She said as they released each other.

"Did you come alone?" He had asked as they took off their over garments.

"We did, Master Kenobi." Lux uncovered his face from the cloak and goggles and Obi Wan's face lifted.

"Lux Bonteri, you survived." He said.

"I watched as thousands if Separatists get slaughtered that day and nearly escaped by the skin on my teeth." He said bowing slightly.

"Are you sure you guys came alone, how did you find me?" They walked into a larger open space and sat down.

"We arrived here with two others but only us two came to you." Ahsoka said.

"How did you find me Ahsoka." His voice was stern and afraid something she's never heard from him before.

"The force guided me here." She said.

"Were are the other two you spoke of?" His voice sounded calmer and more relaxed.

"They went to Mos Eisley to get fuel and supplies." Lux answered.

"Unarmed?" He asked.

"My padawan is one of them, they'll be fine. I gave him the order to contact me if they run into any trouble." She said and he looked at her wide eyed but secretly was happy.

"An apprentice?" He asked.

"He barely survived custody and murder and we found each other months after the purge. The force guided both of us to each other." She said and he smiled.

"I'm surprised the empire had hunted you yet, I'm sure Anakin could at least remember his old apprentice." His hand rested on her shoulder an his eyes closed. And silence followed.

"What happened to the senators, were they arrested, killed?" Lux had asked.

"Not all of them, just separatists and the neutral planets," he paused taking a shakeup breath, "but the survivors supported the Chancellors' decision to create an Empire."

"Satine." Ahsoka whispered under her breath between Obi Wan's short break.

"And the ones that protested were tried for treason and killed." He finished.

"Padmé would never have gone along with it." Ahsoka said unwillingly.

"She wasn't alive long enough to do anything about it." He answered solemnly.

"What?" Ahsoka stood up and looked at his head hanging down.

"She died during child birth, i was with her shortly after Anakin and I faced off. She had twins, Leia and Luke." He answered and Ahsoka sat back down.

"Where are they?" Lux asked.

"Luke is here with his Aunt and Uncle and Leia is with Organa and his wife, they are safe." He said reassuringly.

"They're strong in the force." Ahsoka said.

"I cannot train him, he's too much like his father when we met even at a young age he doesn't realize his importance yet." Obi Wan stood up and looked and Ahsoka and Lux.

"What are you going to name the child?" Obi wan asked and Ahsoka's eyes widened along with Lux's eyes as Obi Wan gave them a smile.

Ahsoka Trilogy Book One: FallenWhere stories live. Discover now