Hidden: Chapter 1 Preview

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Ahsoka woke up with a jolt. She sat up right to get a better view of the room she vaguely remembers falling asleep in the night before, a large peach room with a view of the rest of the city Pols Anaxes through the open balcony doors. Pulling away at the covers she saw her stomach already large under her satin blue nightgown and preparing for birth any day now. She stepped down from the bed onto the cool marble floor of the penthouse that they and An share until they hide away on Dantooine after the child is born. Ahsoka took her long, hand knitted sweater over her shoulders and slips on her flats before walking out the open door.

"Good morning Ahsoka." An was the first to greet her in their living space decorated with twi'lek tapestries that An had stowed away.

"Where's Lux?" Ahsoka tiredly asked as she took the cup of her favorite Sapire tea from An's hands.

"He's using the refresher-" Ahsoka cut her off.

"He better hurry, it's time."

Ahsoka Trilogy Book One: FallenWhere stories live. Discover now