🏍Ooh, That Has Gonna Hurt! 🎸

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Victoria, Dee and Y/n walked out of the local fast food joint as Victoria lit a cigarette as some camera weilding wannabes walked up to them.

Fool 1: "Hey, Lady. Your with a pair of children, aren't you ashamed?"

Victoria: "Listen young blood put the camera away." She said seriously holding her smoke.

Y/n: "You should listen to her, boys." She said honestly before Dee walked up to his mother.

Dee: "Ma, from the law's standpoint. They're right." He said seriously

Fool 1: "Ah huh, see your son's brighter than you are. Put out the cigarette." He started to say til Victoria's fist smashed the camera's lens. "Oh, shit! Oh, fuck!"

Dee leaned against the doorframe with his arm around Y/n's shoulder as Victoria began beating the crap out of the guy's.

Y/n: "Ten bucks says, Vicky busts up a guy's jaw and hand badly." She gambled to Dee as he smirked mischievously.

Dee: "Make it twenty and you got a deal, Metal Angel." He said as he kissed her temple while a guy flew by them into the food joints window.

Fool 2: "Ambulance!!! Come quick, somebody!!! Call the police, someone!!!" He yelled out as Y/n laughed softly.

Y/n: "Deal, Blondie." As Victoria chased after a guy with a baseball bat.

Fool 1: "A Bat?! Where'd she get a bat from?!" He shouted out in fear running away with Victoria on his tail.

Sirens filled the air as Y/n and Dee noticed the group's two cameras while picking them up and messed with the memory cards

At the Police Station

Police Officer: "Okay, let's go through this one more time please." He said as Victoria stated her case calling the guy's perverts.

Victoria: "And I'm a lone woman alone with two children, so I kind of panicked, adrenaline kicked in and I ripped the bat away from them and heroically fought off the perverts!" She shouted out as Dee & Y/n ducked in sync as Victoria swing her arms around.

Y/n looked at Victoria smirking in victory as the guy's told the police the third guy had a broken jaw and hand as the officers looked at the recordings.

Fool 1: "It's wonder how a creature like that gave birth to a respectable child or him having a saintly friend. They picked up their cameras and gave them back to us." He said honestly

The first recording was playing the latest music video of hard rock as Dee and Victoria looked at Y/n whom was smirking evilly. The police looked at the second recording making Victoria's and Y/n's eyes widened drastically hearing a set of familiar moans while Y/n glared over at Dee angrily whom looked aside whistling as Victoria was glancing over at Dee with disappointment before they were free to go.

Once outside and away from the station, Y/n put Dee into a headlock before growling at him.

Y/n: "Are you fucking kidding me, Dee?!" She growled deeply in anger as Victoria separated the two.

Victoria: "Easy, young rider. You can punish Dee once you two are alone." She said seriously before back handing her oldest son on the back of the head.

Dee: "Ow, jeez. Sorry, N/n." He said seriously as Y/n ignored him as they walked back to their neighborhood

Y/n grabbed Dee by his choker collar and pulled him into his house passing Glam and Heavy whom looked at the two confused while Victoria walked in the house

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Y/n grabbed Dee by his choker collar and pulled him into his house passing Glam and Heavy whom looked at the two confused while Victoria walked in the house.

Glam: "Victoria, what happened to them?" He asked as Victoria whispered what happened into his ear as his eyes widened before his voice deepened. "Dee, you are so dead young man." He said seriously while the family heard a door slam shut violently.

Dee's Bedroom


Dee: "I meant to put in something else, Y/n just please calm down." He said as he convinced her to sit down beside him on his bed.

Y/n: "Calm down, yeah sure. Jesus, Dee you do realize that you're in deep and I mean deep trouble right?" She questioned him seriously as he slowly rubbed the back of his neck before her eyes glared at him as if staring into his soul making him dry swallow deeply.

Dee: "Y/n, I know that look what are you-" He started to say til Y/n pulled him closer to her by his choker again. "-thinking. Oh, shit." He said as Y/n glared at him harsher.

Y/n: "You better make this up to me or you'll be explaining to the doctors how your scrotum was shoved so far up your asshole, got it." She said seriously before letting go of Dee as he sighed softly til he nodded.

Dee: "Alright, alright." He said honestly before taking out his hair tie from his hair then took off his shirt as he pulled Y/n into his lap. "Shall we, Angel?~" He questioned and teased til Y/n pulled tightly onto his hair.

Y/n: "Let's see if I forgive you then, Dee." She whispered seductively with a mischievously smirk on her lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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