The Great Hambino

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Kendall POV: 

I woke up from something smelling bacon, Squints mom cooking. I got out of the bed and went downstairs to see Squints, Ham, Yeah-Yeah, and the two Timmons. 

"Finally you decide to wake up!" Squints say with a smile. I just nod my head and go into the kitchen to see if I can help Squints mom cook. 

"Hey Kendall!" Squints mom says while putting bacon on a plate then putting it on the kitchen table next to a plate of pancakes. 

I like her cooking, she actually cooks. My dad would never do that, he just says 'Find something to eat and eat it'. 

"Can you get some apple juice and orange juice out of the fridge please." Squints mom says

"Yea, sure" I say opening the fridge door and grabbing both juice bottle/containers. I placed it on the tables while Squints mom puts plates, forks, butter knifes, napkins, and cups in every spot at the tables. 

I sat down at a seat when Squints mom yelled for the boys to come eat. 

They all came rushing in the room and taking a seat somewhere, grabbing food while they sat. 

I sat at the short side of the tables, Squints next to me kinda, Yeah-Yeah across from him, Ham next to Squints, Timmy across from Ham, and Tommy on the other short side of the table. 

"This is some good bacon" Ham says with a mouth full of bacon

" Yeah-yeah. You bet it is" Yeah-Yeah said

"It's because MY mom made it" Squints said pouring some apple juice in his cup

I just listened to them while eating

"What do you think, K?" Squints asked

"It's good" I say while eating my last piece of bacon

"Hey, K, can I have you pancakes, please?" Ham said. I nodded my head and handed him my plate

"Thanks!" He said while stuffing his mouth full of m pancakes

I went to pour more orange juice in my cup but Squints already did. I looked at him and said 'thanks' but very quite. I heard him say 'no promblem' while I was drinking my juice. 

"Guys, we gotta go to the sandlot" Timmy said

"Gotta go to the sandlot" Tommy copied


Ham was up first, he did the Babe Ruth pose then got into stance. 

blah blah blah

I then heard Kenny say, 

"Alright Ham, this is my heater, I DARE you to hit it." 

Kenny pitched the ball........and Ham hit it. Over the fence. 

We started hitting with our gloves while he was running to the bases saying 'It was a heater'. 

It was funny. And I liked beating him with my glove. 

Squints then yelled, "NOOO"

I turned and saw Scott, or Smalls, climbing the fence. I started running, everyone behind me. 

Benny and Kenny caught up with me and grabbed the boy, pulling him off the fence. 

They said some thing to him, wasn't listen because I was caught up when Squints grabbed my hand and pulled me behind him when Smalls went to the fence hole. 

Then they all screamed, 'CAMPOUT'

That means I get s'mores. 

A/N: So I'll try to post more, but I'm not really on my computer, that's why I don't post a lot. Also I couldn't find my charger, but I got it now. YAY!

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