Chapter 1: The Pregnancy

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Chapter 1

        It's blue.

        That's what I said to myself, I was not talking about the sky or anything of the sort. It was one of those color result pregnancy tests: blue means pregnant. I couldn't believe it, how did I let this happen? It was not a good time to be pregnant, not when the war is going on and getting worse.

        I am a werewolf, I come from a pack of other pure bred werewolves; this baby is going to be in danger when it is born. The baby is not a pure bred because his father is human. I kept staring into my reflection in my bathroom mirror and I can't help but be scared as i keep my hand on my stomach. I am terrified for the safety of my unborn baby. 

        "Sage?" My boyfriend calls for my when he knocks on the door. "Is everything alright in there?" I don't know what to tell him: lie and say everything is okay, or tell him the truth that he's going to be a dad? Of course I can't really say "Oh, you are going to be the father of a werewolf puppy by the way." 

        "Everything is fine, baby. I'll be right now." He shouldn't have to worry about this right now. He barely makes me enough money to support himself, let alone me and our baby. I'll tell him when the time is right and when he can handle this. I got rid of any sign that I took a test; tearing up the box and putting it at the bottom of the trash can, flushing the toilet and cleaning up the sink area. 

        I got out of my bathroom and saw my boyfriend, William was making my bed wearing only his boxer shorts. He stayed over last night and that's how he sleeps I swear. His glorious blond hair shined like the sun. His slender yet muscular body was just mezorising, even now as he was making my bed. He is an incredible beauty, you can see how this pregnancy happened. He was the kind of guy that you can't just keep your eyes off of. He faced me and looked at me with his beautiful blue eyes, he then smiled at me and it makes my heart warm when he smiles at me. 

        "Hey there, beautiful." He said to me as he made his way to me. "How are you feeling?" He asked after he held on to me and gave me a small kiss on my lips. 

        "I just feel a little quezy." Indeed I was feeling naucious due to morning sickness. 

        "I have a tea recipe that might help if you are feeling sick." 

        "That would be great." I accepted his offer. He kissed my forehead and walked with me to my kithen holding my hand. "The kettle is on top of the fridge, baby."  He grabbed the kettle and got started on the tea. I had to sit at my dining table beause my nausea was coming back. 

        "Water's boiling, stay there while I go get my bag from your room." He told me while he ran off to my room.

        "What exactly are you making, baby?" I shouted from the kitchen.

        "It's a remedy that my mom used whenever any of us got sick." He said as he was coming to the kitchen with his bag. "It's peppermint tea with ginger." William's family always did home remedies and stuff like that. It's amazing the stuff he makes and how they really heal whatever you may have. 

        He finished making the tea and with one sip my stomach settled. Didn't taste that good but still helped a lot.         

        "Felling better?" 

        "Yes, much better. Thank you." He walks to the table and hugs me while i'm still sitting. He held my head to his bare, well toned chest, as if he knew I always felt relaxed just by hearing his heartbeat. I held on to him tighter when he was brushing his fingers through my hair. 

        "I gotta get going, Sage."

        "Do you have too?"

        "Yes, I have to work today." I didn't want him to leave, I want him close by. 

        "Okay." I said in a whisper. Out embrace had to end, we stared into each others eyes for a few seconds before leaning in to kiss me. 

        I was finishing my tea as William was getting dressed. Once he finished he got his things together, gave me a kiss on my cheek and took off. Two seconds he came back in.

        "Sage, I forgot to tell you something."

        "What is it?" I asked with a smile, knowing what he was going to say.

        "I love you."

        "I love you too." I blew him a kiss and waved goodbye from my table. He then left slowly closing the door still facing me; he tries so hard to be cute, and it works all the time. 

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