Chapter 2

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Once William left and I finished my tea, I set up an appointment with my personal doctor and good friend and he said he was going to come over immediately. I need to shower and figure out what I am going to do and what I am going to tell him. When I finished showering and dried my hair, I wore a simple pink shirt and black skirt, put on some flat shoes and patiently waited for him.

The wait was uncomfortable, as I sit in my living room rapidly flipping through channels on the TV; my nerves were making me sick, or morning sickness was already happening. It got worse once I heard his footsteps coming closer and I was scared. His scent over powered my nostrils as he got closer to my door. He knocked three times...I Hesitate. He knocked again a little louder that was when I shouted "It's open, come on in."

"Good afternoon Doctor Murdock." I said, trying to stay calm.

"Hello Sage." He replied."I don't know why you insist on addressing my formally, we are still friends even when I am working..." Before he could say anything else he slowly turned his head to me and had this confused look on his face. Started sniffing around and basically scurried to me. "Something smells different about you." He said. Did I forget to mention that my doctor is a werewolf? Well he is, and when a woman gets pregnant, the woman's scent changes, and we could pick up with our heightened senses.

"I don't know how to say it except for just straight out." I said "I'm pregnant."

"So that's what it is, I smell a wolf pup inside you."

"We have a small problem though." I said, scared shitless. Doctor Murdock just stood there waiting for a response. "You might want to sit down for this one." I said guiding him to my living room couch.

"What's going on, Sage?" He asked.

"The father of my child is human." The doctor stayed quiet for a while, nodding his head. "Are you going to say anything?"

"...I don't know what to say, just how can you let this happen?" Doctor Murdock looked so disappointed. We have ran in the same pack since we were puppies, we are practically siblings. "The upside of being a pregnant werewolf, the curse is lifted as long as your baby is inside you." I stood there with one raised eyebrow and making gestures with my hands. "The curse the witches placed on our kind, It means you will not shift into wolf form during the full moon; but this also means you can't shift at will anymore." I'm free from the pain of forced transformations, that's what I was thinking. I am only free from the curse as long as I am pregnant; so for the next nine months I can't go she-wolf.

"Does this also mean I loose my heightened senses, strength, and reflexes?" I asked

"No, you still have all your werewolf abilities, you just can't shift." He answered.

"Are you going to tell the pack leaders about this?" I asked with a hint of fear in my voice.

"According to our laws I have too" His answer was heartbreaking. I was on the verge of tears. "...But I won't."

"You won't?" I said in disbelief.

"You don't need this stress on you, it's bad for the baby. But I do recommend staying away from the pack for a while until we figure out what is going to happen." He pulled out a small note pad out of his pocket and started to write a few things. "We will need to schedule an appointment over at my office for an ultrasound, and you need to talk to the baby's father."

"I will do all that but I don't know how to tell him this because of everything he is going through."

"I'll schedule you for one sometime this week with the OBGY-N over at my hospital and I'll give you a call when it is set."

"Thank you Dr.-" he cut me off.

"You don't have to do any formalities with me, you know that."

"I know, Daniel. When you work I feel like I have too." I said with a smile. We came in close for a hug as he was getting ready to leave. "I've never been so scared in my life, Daniel."

"Don't worry, you're safe with me and I won't tell anyone." We concluded our hug and he took hold of his things and went for the door. Next on my things to worry about is what am I going to tell William, and how can I avoid the pack especially with the full moon coming up in a week.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Oct 08, 2016 ⏰

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