To Hell or To Beremuth?

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On the very first page was an intricate diagram of the Trinity Seal sketched in ink. "Woah! Who drew that?", Tessa asked in astonishment. "I have truly no idea. One of the Trinity, I believe.", Aedus replied, swinging is tail slightly.

"As much as we would love sitting here and finding out where you have to go, its almost midnight.", Kaitlyn informed them. "Are you going to sit through the night?"

The three teenagers looked amongst themselves and nodded. "We have a lot to do. You all could retire if you wish.", Elsa said. Arnold stood up from his place and said, "Kaitlyn, Matt and Amylia! You can occupy the guest rooms." Amylia's eyes widened and protested, "I couldn't trouble you. I could just walk back home."

"Alone?", Lyon asked and his mother gave him a guilty-looking smile. "Oh shush!", Rosalind said, "Tessa, please show them to the rooms." Tessa was about to say something when Rosalind once again spoke, "No! You too are going to sleep."

The girl was about to argue but a look from the woman silenced her. Brenda stood up and dusting her plaid shirt, said, "I can't stay. I've got to head back to the orphanage." 

A half hour later, all the parents and Tessa had retired to their beds and Brenda had left. The light in the living room was the only one switched on in the Kewrell household. 

"You do not even know how awkward it was for me when all you Earthlings were talking about things I dont understand!", Aedus exclaimed, making the three teens laugh.

They flipped through the pages stained with beautiful ink lettering, handwriting varying in between. Of course, except for Aedus, none of them could understand anything but the pictures certainly helped. They saw diagrams of swords, pentagrams, potion ingredients, weird creatures and more.

"I shall teach you everything I know about Beremuth and how to read the ancient language but now, let us forget that and get to the part written by Menhvik, yes?", Aedus suggested. "Alright then.", Lyon agreed and the girls nodded their heads.

Diana flipped pages in sets until they reached the last pages. In between, they saw torn paper ends. Elsa ran her finger on the pieces and said, "The torn page." Lyon turned to grab his duffel bag which he had placed behind the divan and dug through it.

With a flourish, he pulled out the the taped together page they found in Egypt. He held it with the pieces in the book and they aligned perfectly.

"Menhvik, that sneaky rat!",  Aedus said. The next page held a handwriting they hadn't seen earlier. "Here it is.", Lyon mumbled as all of them sat cross-legged around the red dragon. 

"Oh my!", Aedus exclaimed in surprise, his yellow-green eyes widening. "What is it?", Diana asked impatiently. "That man was a genius.", he replied. "Let me read it out."

"The silver bridge is not the only pathway to enter Earth. There is another way, a rift between space and time with its ends each in Beremuth and Earth. I found it in Beremuth in a large oak, ran straight in to it when searching for game. To my surprise, I was no longer in the Rivaelia forest but instead in ruined palace."

"Ruined palace? There are lots of ruined palaces on Earth.", Lyon said. Aedus cut in, "He goes on describing the palace. Listen to this -

As I explored the place, I saw that in the ball room of the palace, a stone floor was in place of the wooden floor which was common in the other rooms. Curiosity filled me to the brim on why the BALL ROOM had such a floor. I stepped onto the floor and it was surprisingly hot. I had thought out loud 'Where is this place on Beremuth?' The very next second, I felt myself sinking into the floor and I was standing in a pit. 

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